Hip Hop

Saw this earlier. Kinda wish I waited for this with the discount but already purchased that Spotify exclusive one that was listed previously so 🤷‍♂️.

I'm so excited for this project. Love Mick Jenkins and been waiting for him to release something for awhile. Kinda odd his last few projects never had a vinyl release.
If anyone ordered the original Scaring the Hoes press with the alternate cover, I think my order just shipped. Got an email from merchtable but gave no indication of what it actually was. Found my paypal receipt from the purchase and it was to merchtable / blue collar industries, so I think it's safe to say it's that!

nice. I don't remember the date it was supposed to ship, but I saw them post they had copies for sale for their tour
Saw this earlier. Kinda wish I waited for this with the discount but already purchased that Spotify exclusive one that was listed previously so 🤷‍♂️.

I'm so excited for this project. Love Mick Jenkins and been waiting for him to release something for awhile. Kinda odd his last few projects never had a vinyl release.
I saw the Spotify one in the Pre-Order thread but the link was dead when I clicked on it. With the success he's had with The Waters it's surprising he's been absent with vinyl releases on follow up projects. I really dig what I've heard thus far off of this and the features are huge for him. Definitely looking forward to this project. I also have a soft spot for Chicago lyricists.
I missed that mac miller drop :(

Looks back up
The Price of Tea In China 2LP Deluxe standard black - 95 shipped
Bo Jackson standard black Regular Alc version - 85 shipped
Super Tecmo Bo - Standard black - 55 shipped

Price of Tea played maybe 3 times
Bo Jackson played once still in shrink
Super Tecmo Bo played once still in shrink all are NM
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the new travis scott is $5 shipped via his website. use code:


can get any/all variants or CD aside from the deluxe for $5 shipped. need to do separate orders if you want more than 1 variant.

Imma try for it.
Wonder how much luck ill have
Just saw these two at Pickathon over the weekend and they were great. I actually saw them twice and hung out for a bit. When I mentioned that Armand Hammer played the festival last year, they told me that they'll be on an upcoming Fielded track featuring them alongside Billy Woods. Their live show is really on point. If you get a chance to catch them, I'd do it.
