If anyone has money to burn nearly every Mondo poster ever is being auctioned to raise money for the Alamo drafthouse staff and to stay open from the founder's personal collection. eMoviePoster.com - Sunday Auctions some stuff in there that are impossible to find.
I will be making a "I don't want to sell anything but I've had 3 cross country flights for funerals and the records are just sitting there not being played" sale soon. Probably in the next 2 weeks. Prices will be cheaper on here for known members. Then I'll post to reddit. I don't want to sell anything but do I need 3 copies of Dispatch's "Bang Bang"? Probably not.
Update on previous status. Warner Music Group was hacked from the end of April to beginning of August. Hackers got all the info, including credit card numbers (unless you used paypal), so if you bought something from WMG be aware.