Crabbers Jun 6, 2022 Bout time I have a mega sell of things...lots of jazz, vmp, colemine stuff coming soon
Crabbers Apr 11, 2022 Listed a few new titles to my sale thread, including some jazz dispensary titles
Crabbers Mar 15, 2022 I mean…is there really a better soundtrack then The Crow? As a child of the early 90’s grunge/metal era…can you name a better one in that era?
I mean…is there really a better soundtrack then The Crow? As a child of the early 90’s grunge/metal era…can you name a better one in that era?
Crabbers Feb 9, 2022 Yes!! Channel Tres hyped his new album on Instagram…if it is a vmp exclusive I might need some help on it
Yes!! Channel Tres hyped his new album on Instagram…if it is a vmp exclusive I might need some help on it
Crabbers Jan 25, 2022 I've been on a hunt for bootleg radiohead albums the past few's kind of addicting found a few but I'm still looking for more...keep those online records sites coming (esp my euro friends
I've been on a hunt for bootleg radiohead albums the past few's kind of addicting found a few but I'm still looking for more...keep those online records sites coming (esp my euro friends
Crabbers Jan 19, 2022 Anyone know if a few online stores that sell bootlegs? Trying to find a few things
Crabbers Dec 15, 2021 I love seeing vmp apologize on Instagram for the same shit as always..what would they do with more time?
I love seeing vmp apologize on Instagram for the same shit as always..what would they do with more time?
Crabbers Nov 16, 2021 Come and join us by giving thanks and offering PIFs
Come and join us by giving thanks and offering PIFs
Crabbers Nov 15, 2021 PIFsgiving rules have been posted...get those PIFs ready...the festivities begin sunday