Dirtbag Auntie Nov 26, 2019 who can kind of enjoy thanksgiving break? but just kind of of the kind of? me. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
who can kind of enjoy thanksgiving break? but just kind of of the kind of? me. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Dirtbag Auntie Nov 25, 2019 @teefer i am so glad you talked about how much you liked the bonus material on the stevie reissues. the demo for bella donna is exquisite.
@teefer i am so glad you talked about how much you liked the bonus material on the stevie reissues. the demo for bella donna is exquisite.
Dirtbag Auntie Nov 24, 2019 i am mostly dead on the inside but give me a stevie nicks record and i am transformed.
Dirtbag Auntie Nov 15, 2019 Please come to the Do You Make Stuff thread and tell me about the stuff you make. I love seeing what you all make. It's all so different and unique!
Please come to the Do You Make Stuff thread and tell me about the stuff you make. I love seeing what you all make. It's all so different and unique!
Dirtbag Auntie Nov 15, 2019 Watching 9 and 10 year old girls playing drums on the Internet brings me so much joy. My heart bursts.
Watching 9 and 10 year old girls playing drums on the Internet brings me so much joy. My heart bursts.
Dirtbag Auntie Nov 13, 2019 Well shit Rufus Wainwright is playing Houston and it’s sold out. /me low level grumbles
Dirtbag Auntie Nov 8, 2019 Received big bag of fluff yesterday and a box of string today. Guess I’m shirking all responsibilities.
Received big bag of fluff yesterday and a box of string today. Guess I’m shirking all responsibilities.
Dirtbag Auntie Nov 6, 2019 it's my favorite day of the semester. professor evaluation day. *stretches typing fingers for five minutes and pushes up glasses*
it's my favorite day of the semester. professor evaluation day. *stretches typing fingers for five minutes and pushes up glasses*
Dirtbag Auntie Nov 3, 2019 Um the original lineup of En Vogue reunited and did a show in October. I really want this tour.
Dirtbag Auntie Nov 3, 2019 As frustrating as this hobby is at times, when you get an amazingly pressed record on your table it is all worth it.
As frustrating as this hobby is at times, when you get an amazingly pressed record on your table it is all worth it.