Dirtbag Auntie Aug 2, 2023 It’s a temp name y’all. I’ve tasked @I’m Just Ken with figuring out a new one
Dirtbag Auntie Aug 2, 2023 Did I buy that mini Pulp music box the second I saw it? Yes. I did after swearing nothing else enters this house. But for reals now.
Did I buy that mini Pulp music box the second I saw it? Yes. I did after swearing nothing else enters this house. But for reals now.
Dirtbag Auntie Jul 26, 2023 If the last two minutes of Sinead’s version of Success has Made a Failure of Our Home doesn’t make you dissolve into tears, I don’t know what to tell you.
If the last two minutes of Sinead’s version of Success has Made a Failure of Our Home doesn’t make you dissolve into tears, I don’t know what to tell you.
Dirtbag Auntie Jul 26, 2023 I haven’t gotten the push notification from NPR so it’s not real as far as I’m concerned.
Dirtbag Auntie Jul 22, 2023 The Meg but as a doctor who episode with Stathem as the doctor and recast Dwight with Steve Agee. I just made this movie wayyyy better
The Meg but as a doctor who episode with Stathem as the doctor and recast Dwight with Steve Agee. I just made this movie wayyyy better
Dirtbag Auntie Jun 30, 2023 The joy I get from Rick Astley singing songs of The Smiths is never ending
Dirtbag Auntie Jun 29, 2023 Listening to the PJ Harvey Bandsplain and want to cry at how amazing it is, listening to two smart women unpack the catalog.
Listening to the PJ Harvey Bandsplain and want to cry at how amazing it is, listening to two smart women unpack the catalog.
Dirtbag Auntie May 23, 2023 I have heard the term sexy more at this accounting software conference more than Rod Stewart sez it in Do Ya Think I’m Sexy
I have heard the term sexy more at this accounting software conference more than Rod Stewart sez it in Do Ya Think I’m Sexy