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  • best one hit wonders? (only rule is no obvious critical darlings like jimi hendrix and frank zappa and modest mouse, ones that are still in the main culture known for one song like dexys midnight runners and everything but the girl count though)
    i dont even really like the john mayer album that much but the bold as love cover is just

    *heart swoons*
    • Love
    Reactions: Jonathan Y
    i haven't heard the hendrix version beyond a little bit
    Yer Ol' Uncle D
    Yer Ol' Uncle D
    Backtracking highly recommended.
    Panera Ciabatta Diapers
    Panera Ciabatta Diapers
    Never heard the Mayer version - prompted me to take a listen. Some of the guitar noodling is nice. But it sounds like pinioned Hendrix and never takes flight (and Hendrix goes to deep space on that entire album). His voice sounds like someone put a milk-soaked cloth over the microphone and loses the rawness/earnestness. Not comparing to original - it's aight
    i helped someone in thailand figure out if the turntable they were going to get (a gadhouse dean with a speaker bundle for about 300 USD or ฿9,900.00) was good, turns out it was since it had the same audiotechnica cartridge the rega P1 uses, has a counterweight, and seemingly useful for them
    i dunno if your dead is better than cosmogramma but GOD is it amazing
    I go back and forth all the time about which is my favorite. It's always a toss up between until the quiet comes, cosmogramma, and you're dead depending on which I listened to most recently hah.
    Cosmogramma all the way 🔥
    Drink cactus juice... It'll quench ya
    • On Fire
    Reactions: gaporter
    I like mine fermented from agave...
    hot late night take: pet sounds is an emo album before emo existed.. the lyrics are textbook
    the 100 gecs remix album might end up with some your fav is problematic stuff due to one person on one remix who did some very very very bad stuff
    apparently in her tumblr days she used to reblog a lot of it
    @duke86fan the only proof of this I could find is a reddit comment and a webpage that seems to be dedicated to making pages for why certain artists should be cancelled
    It's very suspect stuff but nothing I've seen looks as bad as what was suggested, but I'm willing to be proven wrong. It looks like some edgy reposts from many years ago... I don't know, maybe it's just been very well swept under the rug
    i guess i just have bad luck with finding good quality first pressings or the albums i want are way too expensive. because its often just as good or cheaper to get a reissue (specifically for yoko ono or trout mask replica)
    Bottom line though, please don't feel guilty for being excited about a pick I'm not. Even if I throw a bunch of reasons at you. Please enjoy what you want and collect however you want. If you're happy with the picks, that's awesome!

    I'm sorry if I come across any other way.
    @dhodo dont worry.. you aren't the person who normally angers me.. you aren't as.. aggressive as some other members
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    Reactions: dhodo
    I’m all about availability. I live in a used-vinyl desert except for a shop that specializes in jazz (and even they overgrade/overprice). If it’s getting a quality reissue v. not getting anything, I know what I’m taking. You can always swap it out if you run across something better. I have a pile of albums that are in process of upgrading or have been upgraded. There’s not a “wrong” way to enjoy your hobby.
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    is XXL still gonna try to do the freshman list... does that mean no cyphers or freestyles because of covid... who would they get
    I was kinda wondering the same, my guess is we get home recorded verses or a zoom cypher, they have to do it, its their biggest draw. @Taevis you can pencil in Polo G, Jack Harlow, NLE Choppa, and Lil Tjay for starters.
    Polo g would be pretty damn good, I was surprised he was not in last year's

    Jack Harlow has a chance but I dunno if he is on the radar as he just peaked
    • Like
    Reactions: Tj.
    I KNOW Pop Smoke would be on there if he was still alive
    >noah cyrus
    >sam hunt

    this is a joke
    the two issue with used record stores compared to new reissues is that A) you have to inspect to make sure there is no scratches and B) you have to clean the records hard to make sure (harder than spin clean)
    @Joe Mac but that means using deadwax and labels to see what vinyl issue it is and how good the pressing is compared to others
    Joe Mac
    Joe Mac
    Not necessarily most reissues differ from the OG on the barcode alone. I think you’re massively overthinking this...
    @Joe Mac

    >overthinking and fidgetting

    o rly
    there is a notable bend on my max richter but not on any place where the vinyl is.. amazon messed up
    Then, don’t send it back. You said Amazon messed up which implied you were unhappy. I send Amazon LPs back all the time if they have damaged jackets. I am waiting on a replacement Cypress Hill LP right now.
    Agreed—if it bothers you, ask for a replacement.
    Panera Ciabatta Diapers
    Panera Ciabatta Diapers
    Yea amazon has a liberal return policy. Take advantage. Keep the one you have until the other arrives and keep the best parts of the two. Heck sometimes I return perfect stuff to them just so they know who wears the pants in the relationship (I get my pants from them too)
    tbh i'm surprised the avatar the last airbender soundtrack hasn't been put on vinyl (show is amazing as any animation nerd can already tell you)
    if an item on bullmoose is special order is it worth buying there or can i get it faster on amazon
    It’s been a mixed bag for me, and BullMoose is my usual go-to. I think it depends on the label, but generally that means they order it, get it in, then send it vs. Amazon’s same or next-day shopping if it’s in-stock.
    Better to support Bullmoose. But who knows how long it would take if it’s on special order. I’ve never done that through them so I don’t know
    rough and rowdy ways...

    that was intimate and personal but maybe thats because i kind thought it would be
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    Reactions: Renée
    much smoother listen than I was expecting
    i still have this strange hunch this is a swan song for dylan... this felt intimate... like a final touching before he stops making albums of new material.. because this is one of his best since probably modern times
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