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  • i'm going to HOPE tomorrow they dont just say "hey we are dropping channel orange today" and this situation happens again
    I wish I could drink alcohol rn
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    Reactions: Jmcg85 and Renée
    Unless I missed something it all looks pretty good natured to me. 🤷‍♂️ And I'm pretty sure 90% of the people in that thread have unsubscribed. They're just enjoying the shit show.
    I wish I could too but antibiotics 🤦🏻‍♂️ anyway I hope the Nathan situation has been cleared up to your satisfaction by now. Nathan is actually a really good friend to me since I joined the forum he gets it was a humourous take I'd never want to hurt him
    Not a great way to deal with problems, and I expect you'd get maudlin. And an internet forum shouldn't drive one to drink.
    pitchfork you're drunk...

    agora isn't even the best ambient album this year... why didn't you give bad bunny BNM if you praise him so much.. wtf
    No MadGibbs, No Cordae, No Megan, No Rapsody, No Maxo, No Woods, No Benny, No Simz, No Thugger. All of these and more are better than the group they are repping
    madgibbs is probably because of the vaccine line

    but i dunno why maxo kream was ignored, as well as young thug
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    Reactions: Taevis
    Yea if I let one line ruin a rap album for me i would listen to a ton less rap.
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    Reactions: Taevis
    i wonder if the humming on my uturn is because of my grado cartridge or if its just that the audio cable is not grounded (fixing both would cost a decent amount)
    my setup has the speakers right next to the night stand that has the turntable (with about 3 feet of height difference and like 10cm to the left...) and the mani is right on top of the speakers

    i legit have no idea where else i would put it
    i would give you a picture of my current setup but you cant do that in comments (without posting it to imgur or something)
    Nee Lewman
    Nee Lewman
    Nah, it sounds like you shouldn’t be having space issues. You should do the strip and the cables and see if that works.

    tbh i still can't tell the difference between a CD (or even MP3) and an LP... maybe im just not audiophile level or bad laptop dac or my hearing is horrible (or capped at 20khz headphones) but the vinyl is more just because i want it and i dont really have an interest in CDs
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    Reactions: Rip_City and Skalap
    More than the sound, I enjoy the "ritual" of playing vinyl. You definitely end giving more attention to music when listening to a vinyl than to a CD.
    Joe Mac
    Joe Mac
    The issue people have is that digital is often mastered badly and the compression to the sound wave to make the files smaller for CDs, and particularly mp3s, can exacerbate this. It can cause listening fatigue. I find I get a subtle pain or ringing in my ear after listening to mp3 streaming too long through headphones. I interesting don’t get that listening to hi res or CDs through speakers in the house 🤷🏻‍♂️
    I can absolutely smell mp3 below 320. I’ve blind abx’d myself to prove it. As for CD/Vinyl, well I don’t recall if I have ever heard both formats on the same system! I have run FLAC on the same system and they are just different not necessarily superior.
    a kallax is actually not that helpful for me in the future because i only have room for a 4X3 and they dont have that... and shipping is so expensive a 3X3 seems like a dumb idea
    i just need 3X3 or 3X4 for soon coming vinyl when i get more money (and i dunno if the target bookshelfs i got would work)
    Ah. My partner and I just bought a bunch of stuff and our flat rate was $59, but it probably depends on how far away from the warehouse you are.
    Yea, like @BjorgenFjorgen shipping for me is about that (or cheaper). But then again I live 30 min from an Ikea and only go only if it isn't available in store. So maybe it depends on hubs ,etc. Do they do any shipping breaks if you sign up for their Friends & Fam thing?
    maybe i should get more into collecting 7 and 10 inches... my OCD side is thinking "i need better sleeves for the 2 10 inches and few 7 inches i have but i dont need the excess"
    is an ortofon red better than a grado black?
    HiFi Guy
    HiFi Guy
    What turntable with this go on? Grados hum on some turntables.
    uturn orbit

    i have noticed a hum but i was guessing thats from a non grounded preamp.. but if i touch the cartridge it feels like the hum is stronger
    (I liked my Bronze at $280 from Germany. But I’m a Klipsch guy, so bright and detailed is my wheelhouse.)
    what should i do with the secret 7inches that dont exist
    I usually don't mind the warps on my record because they don't effect the playback of it, but is there any reason to be concerned about that stuff
    The table and tonearm will be fine (I assume, not knowing what you got). The cart/stylus/record will take the brunt of the abuse from warps.
    I am pretty sure I will be fine

    There aren't intense warps, no skipping, at mostly small ups and downs, I don't care as much about warps so I just will enjoy my music.. especially since grado stylie aren't expensive and I don't have the time to fix every record I have
    It’s the best policy. Just judge it case by case. You’ll get a feel for when it’s too much. You’d also be surprised how many of those slow-roll warps work themselves out after a few years of storage. If you start finding your stylus is lasting less than a year or the suspension collapsed, you might need to be more critical, but like you said - it’s a cheap fix if you get there.
    i'll be honest... i freaking HATE when audio is hard panned to one ear cup... it just feels uncomfortable to me
    sometimes i dont notice the remaster of an album at all

    other times its the weeknds trilogy (or is that a remix.. where i clearly know where the sound is different)
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