Recent content by Hemotep

  1. Hemotep

    That Godzilla remix of Brain Stew was so much fun.

    That Godzilla remix of Brain Stew was so much fun.
  2. Hemotep

    Online Vinyl Deals

    Does your case have the little blinking red light on it?
  3. Hemotep

    Pre-Order Thread

    I have only bought one record in the last two and a half weeks so I splurged on this one.
  4. Hemotep

    The Good Ol' Grateful Thread

    I have, sadly. Like others I've been buying more CDs and it's starting to suck. But that Dylan and The Band CD box set is a good example. Came out last year with 27 CDs for about $100. That seems far more reasonable.
  5. Hemotep

    Pre-Order Thread

    I love the whole thing too.
  6. Hemotep

    The Good Ol' Grateful Thread

    This one is more appealing to me than the Europe 72. But for CDs this should be half the price and they'd still make a lot of money on it.
  7. Hemotep

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    Who was this?
  8. Hemotep

    Pre-Order Thread

    Damn... If i was an hour closer I'd drive up.
  9. Hemotep

    Pink Floyd Appreciation

    This gave me a good chuckle.
  10. Hemotep

    I also wouldn't advise it on a unibrow. It just leaves a bright red burn mark that looks like a...

    I also wouldn't advise it on a unibrow. It just leaves a bright red burn mark that looks like a tattoo.
  11. Hemotep

    I haven't seen the show (I'm too old) but I have seen this picture before.

    I haven't seen the show (I'm too old) but I have seen this picture before.
  12. Hemotep

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    That happened to me with Bandbox. Also I've gotten random people from other states mail that got stuck in a vinyl mailer. It's happened three times. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it's happened three times
  13. Hemotep

    Has anyone ever cut themself while shaving their Chads?

    Has anyone ever cut themself while shaving their Chads?
  14. Hemotep

    Give em 🗣️🗣️🗣️

    Give em 🗣️🗣️🗣️
  15. Hemotep

    Definitive Audiophile pressings

    I would avoid Friday Music pressings. They claim to be audiophile but a dozen of theirs and every single one has been crap. And they're way overpriced. I have rarely had a bad MOV pressing.