Each day is getting harder and harder to get through. I had to layoff 40 staff on Thursday and it was like a kick in the teeth. I cannot imagine what it is like for them. At least I have Talk Talk and Mark Hollis to keep me semi-sane right now.
I just ordered a Squeaky Clean. Very excited for it to arrive next week and then I will have the cleanest records in eastern Ontario. Plus something to do while self-isolating
If you can, please consider donating to your local food bank. March/April is the time of year that they typically run through the staples that were donated in December. COVID-19 has kicked them extra hard. Please consider making a cash donation to purchase perishables if you cannot give canned goods or other pantry staples.
Nice thing about working from home during this, no one can see what is in your coffee cup for the 3rd Zoom meeting of the day when the video feed is off.
There is nothing like listening to an album you bought when it first came out a long time ago and it still has the same affect on you. Ghost In The Machine does that for me.
Here we are a bit more than 12hrs away from the VMP January mediocrity ROTM announcement and still a large portion of subscribers are missing orders, so we get to do it all over again. Wheeeeee