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  • Brother gave me a lot of his old vinyl. Most of it is crap techno and old DJ stuff from the early 90s but then the gem I've always wanted is there...The Quad Final Mix of Depeche Mode's Enjoy the Silence (chef's kiss)
    I'm put together beautifully, big wet bottle in my fist, big wet rose in my teeth. I'm a perfect piece of ass. Like every Californian. So tall I take over the street. With high beams shining on my back
    I want to tell you, I feel hung up but I don't know why. I don't mind. I could wait forever, I've got time!
    That E7♭9 chord is incredibly memorable
    It's my favorite Beatles song. I just wish it was longer.
    Ah, now I remember why I haven’t done yard work outside of mowing in a while. It’s really tiring. But at least I have a growler of Live Oak Hefeweizen as my hard work reward
    New music Tuesday or Blue Note Tuesday? Decisions, decisions.
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    Mine is a Blue Note New Music Tuesday (got the Shorter Tone Poet today) so it can be a bit of both!
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    Yeah, I went Blue Note since I have 3 I've been wanting to listen to but The National and AOTMs got in the way.
    RIP I.M. Pei. Architect of a few buildings here in Dallas. Around the world, he's best known for the entrance to the Louvre in Paris. Lived to 102. In pop culture he's best known for the building that serves as the backdrop for the OCP Headquarters Building in Robocop which was actually Dallas City Hall with more additions tacked on as a matte painting.
    AC Slaughter
    AC Slaughter
    I studied him at Architecture school. Dude was a unit.
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