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  • Won the cool dad award last night. Surprised my newly turned 12 year old with the concert she wanted to go to on her birthday, Melanie Martinez. And of course, had to go with her. It wasn't too bad. Lots of screaming.
    I really liked some of the themes, especially female empowerment, getting rid of toxic people in your life, and having good self-esteem. She really loves the f-word though. Made me think of the line from Big Lebowski, "do you have to cuss so much"? Luckily, the 12 year old is good about self-censoring when she sings the songs. Reminded me a bit of Madonna with the costumes. It's an interesting concept tour.
    It played well with its target audience which was not me.
    Some of those themes are definitely something we worry about but she's a good kid and oddly a bit of a prude. She self-censors herself and actually gets offended if we use salty language in her presence.
    It's a ridiculous sign of getting older that a brand new fence is very pleasing to me. But really, this thing is beautiful. Next step, getting a dog....
    I came on here earlier and complained about getting a record dish warped because of USPS and a poorly reinforced box. Seller is sending me another copy and will reinforce the box. Crisis averted!
    Why does The Promise by Sturgill Simpson always make me teary eyed? Maybe because it's such a fantastic take on a song I cherished growing up.
    Always enjoyable when USPS marks your VMP box as delivered to your front porch when you are working from home with the window open staring out to the front porch which has no box sitting on it or mail in the mailbox. So now I get to figure out which house it actually went to.
    Okay, it's either what I said orrrr you're mailman is an incompetent boob.
    It was what you said. It arrived a little while ago. New mail carrier. The normal one scans on my doorstep and knocks on my window to let me know something has arrived.
    Had this happen semi-recently too. Went around the entire neighborhood looking for my VMP package, nada. Took me a day or two to discover that the mailman went around the back of my house, into a little side terrace I have, and left it sitting on the ground there. USPS is weird
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    Vampire Weekend show was great. Not sure why I’ve never seen them before.
    Crenshaw Blvd
    Crenshaw Blvd
    I saw them on a Valentine's Day in Columbus OH when they released their first album. The show was small at the Wexner Center I believe. After they played the album...people wanted more but they said they didn't have anything else ready so they played a cover and repeated a song I believe (if memory serves correctly).
    This status update tells me that the info I gave re: set times came too late, lol. Glad you enjoyed it! I had a blast, but they didn't play Oxford Comma which seemed like a pretty big omission
    Brother gave me a lot of his old vinyl. Most of it is crap techno and old DJ stuff from the early 90s but then the gem I've always wanted is there...The Quad Final Mix of Depeche Mode's Enjoy the Silence (chef's kiss)
    I'm put together beautifully, big wet bottle in my fist, big wet rose in my teeth. I'm a perfect piece of ass. Like every Californian. So tall I take over the street. With high beams shining on my back
    I want to tell you, I feel hung up but I don't know why. I don't mind. I could wait forever, I've got time!
    That E7♭9 chord is incredibly memorable
    It's my favorite Beatles song. I just wish it was longer.
    Ah, now I remember why I haven’t done yard work outside of mowing in a while. It’s really tiring. But at least I have a growler of Live Oak Hefeweizen as my hard work reward
    New music Tuesday or Blue Note Tuesday? Decisions, decisions.
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    Mine is a Blue Note New Music Tuesday (got the Shorter Tone Poet today) so it can be a bit of both!
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    Yeah, I went Blue Note since I have 3 I've been wanting to listen to but The National and AOTMs got in the way.
    RIP I.M. Pei. Architect of a few buildings here in Dallas. Around the world, he's best known for the entrance to the Louvre in Paris. Lived to 102. In pop culture he's best known for the building that serves as the backdrop for the OCP Headquarters Building in Robocop which was actually Dallas City Hall with more additions tacked on as a matte painting.
    AC Slaughter
    AC Slaughter
    I studied him at Architecture school. Dude was a unit.
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