Nee Lewman Mar 19, 2020 Alright, we’ve reached peak Corporate COVID response. Why the hell does Cogs think they are affected by or should respond to the pandemic?
Alright, we’ve reached peak Corporate COVID response. Why the hell does Cogs think they are affected by or should respond to the pandemic?
Nee Lewman Mar 15, 2020 Because at some point, I will more than likely have to fit test for an N95... My beard is the latest C19 causality.
Because at some point, I will more than likely have to fit test for an N95... My beard is the latest C19 causality.
Nee Lewman Mar 14, 2020 For future reference it takes me two times through Versus by Pearl Jam to dig a 27 cubic foot hole in red clay.
For future reference it takes me two times through Versus by Pearl Jam to dig a 27 cubic foot hole in red clay.
Nee Lewman Mar 13, 2020 Man I know you guys are getting a deluge of COVID emails, but holy crap... I get a LOT.
Nee Lewman Mar 7, 2020 What world is it where The Wood Brothers open for Greensky Bluegrass? What the hell?
Nee Lewman Mar 4, 2020 Hmmm. Seems I may have ordered a couple things twice. Coming soon to a pif thread near you.
Nee Lewman Mar 2, 2020 Based on the fact that I’m not impressed with the two albums from this list I’ve heard, I’m guessing Emo isn’t for me: 10 Emo Albums Every Music Fan Should Own
Based on the fact that I’m not impressed with the two albums from this list I’ve heard, I’m guessing Emo isn’t for me: 10 Emo Albums Every Music Fan Should Own