I don't have a good way to describe what I make: https://www.instagram.com/wyatt.slinger/ I guess I combine certain objects... surprisingly, some people like the term 'impossible objects' which mostly works.
@girlnevergoesout is my hero today for making a "do you make stuff?" thread. It is now my new favorite thread and if you want to see the cloud pillow I crocheted this weekend, go to that thread.
I got the new Tank and the Bangas today. This was the green press signed record that they had on their webstore. The package had two record sleeves in it. One was signed by the band with no record and the other was shrink wrapped and had the green vinyl in the sleeve. Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen before. I'm not mad, it's just sort of weird.
Why, why, why am I surprised that the exclusives I bought from the company that shall not be named are delayed. If anyone is getting the Funkadelic or Rob sclusies, I got some bad news for y'all...
I think I'm subconsciously trying to mirror my kickboxing class attacks after Chun Li from the Mortal Kombat arcade game that we used to play at the skating rink as kids. When we do things like bounce back and forth without throwing a punch, it feels like I'm just waiting for user input.