Have I posted Fuck Cancer lately? Because, yeah, fuck cancer. My dad's youngest sibling passed today...he was fighting the same cancer my dad has. RIP Uncle Frank.
Update on the below status: Went to PO, it wasn't there, even though the automated phone call I navigated through with tracking said it was. Might be lost, orrrrrr maybe on my porch? I won't know for a few hours now.
My Sojourner box set was out for delivery yesterday, but this morning tracking says 'ready for pick up.' Is that a thing? Do I have to go to the PO to get it? Weird.
Fuck cancer. 22 years to the day that my mom passed from it I learned of TWO friends that have it; a recent roommate and a high school friend. Both likely terminal. It's fucking everywhere. (sorry for the salty language)