Used Google's new Notebook AI to generate a full two-host podcast based on articles I wrote last year. It's... frighteningly believable Sign in - Google Accounts
JD McPherson’s latest LP, Nite Owls, expands on his neo-traditionalism approach with a widened perspective and newfound vigor that features some of his most compelling and cinematic compositions to date. Check out the full review JD McPherson trades roots rock for midcentury mod on latest LP 'Nite Owls'
On his full length debut as The Dare, Harrison Patrick Smith dons off-the-rack style but gets the skin tight fast fashion impeccably tailored before stepping out on the scene with the devilishly delirious 'What’s Wrong With New York?' Get indie sleazy - The Dare gets rowdy in pursuit of sexy results on 'What's Wrong With New York?'
"Chewing Gum" lacks the feral quality that permeates Amyl and The Sniffers' DNA, but ultimately feels liberated from the unbearable weight of massive expectations to soar beyond the rafters awash in the glory of rock n roll - Amyl and The Sniffers "Chewing Gum" is sticky, but short on flavor
Nite Owls Listening Party from JD McPherson