Is there a good place to stream vinyl plays? I'm doing it on my IG but sometimes I get taken down fast for some. Would love a good place to stream and share music.
Hello everyone! I recently opened up an online store for prints and licensing for my photos. If you would just take a short detour and let me know what you think? Any suggestions and commentary will be awesome. I'm in the process of selecting and deleting some photos, so I'll be changing it up every few weeks.
I received a while back a little bit of maple syrup, that I promptly forgot, and was wondering if it's still safe to eat? If I recall maple syrup doesn't go bad right?
I'm thinking about going live on my insta, playing some Small Circle of Friends, if you wanna join me. Let's hope the IG police won't get me this time! Lol
So, the local government just banned the sale and distribution of beer here in my city, so of course everyone if panic buying now all the beers they can find... Hopefully this won't blow out their asses in the next few days...
Leaving Mexico City today, was a short trip but a fun one. Sorry to @agutierrezb for not being able to catch him this time, was on a short time-frame/leash.
I've been seeing that a lot of people want the Classics or R&HH track. If anyone hasn't been hooked up yet, I can help. Only got my main track this month, so it would be cost+shipping to you.
Francisco Buelna - buy prints & digital downloads