After about a month of being unemployed, I finally have been given a job offer. And to add to that, it pays more than what I made at my last position that screwed me.
You really do take kitchen counters for granted, especially when you live without them for a solid month. I have never appreciated them as much as I have now
I had a record that I forgot I ordered in may. I emailed the company as to the status of the order, and the very next day it shipped. I don't want to say I made them do it, BUT.....
Twitter is a confusing place. I said that popularity is not indicative of quality when it comes to any art form and I got promptly flamed for it. Like tf?
Guys, I’m onto my 4th(!!!) interview tomorrow with a job I think I’ll be really happy to work at, and works with me moving out with my SO. I am so nervous!