"You've got to realize. In the western world, regardless of what color you are, what title the music is, it's all played by the same notes." - Ornette Coleman
"It's just someone has labelled us as having a different label to do what you do. I find that labels are the worst thing in the world for artistic expression." - Ornette Coleman
In light of the NYT article I feel it's time we swallow our pride, give Chad his props and start referring to him in more reverential terms befitting vinyl royalty. Instead of Fuckin' Chad, I propose Sir Chad The Fuck.
"Weakness is what brings ignorance, cheapness, racism, homophobia, desperation, cruelty, brutality, all these things that will keep a society chained to the ground, one foot nailed to the floor." - Henry Rollins, born this day in 1961.
Received a couple unexpected records from Pensacola. Not familiar with the sender and couldn't find the titles on the PIF thread. Someone possibly make a shipping mistake? If so, let me know so I can get them to their intended home. If not, thanks!
"Why should we change on stage? We're not trying to be something big and fancy, it's just us, doing what we do, we'd like to keep it that way." - Cliff Burtom, born this day in 1962. Boy, did things change with Metallica after you left us, brother.
"At the end of the playback of the take of "Like A Rolling Stone", or actually during the thing, Bob Dylan said to the producer, turn up the organ. And Tom Wilson said, oh man, that guy's not an organ player. And Dylan said, I don't care, turn the organ up, and that's really how I became an organ player." - Al Kooper
"I really like to create the sound of a choir the most. If you could see what the sound of it looks like when I shut my eyes and listen, you'd see the sound as angels spanning across the universe." - Eva Cassidy, born this day in 1963.