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  1. Joe Mac

    It Could Get A Bit Messi In Here - The Football Thread.

    I think it’s a mixture of things. Rhodri is exceptional and plays a position that’s key in a way very few players can in the modern game. Also they’ve a lot of key players reaching that tipping point age wise together. Finally I think they’ve just won so much so emphatically over such a period...
  2. Joe Mac

    Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

    Arrived back this evening to about 80% of the tiling done on Friday. Impressed! Going to finish it off and grout (light grey grout) tomorrow I imagine!
  3. Joe Mac

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    That’s definitely doable, it’s a huge budget to be fair but I’d probably be looking to put just over a third in the table, just under a third in the cart and around about a third into the phono stage if it was my system. If you can get a good deal on a close out of the OG Hana SL, now the mark...
  4. Joe Mac

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    I can’t wait for my long long long delayed phono to arrive to get it and my SUT up and running!
  5. Joe Mac

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    The opposite is generally true in my experience provided its a solid product from a proven manufacturer. What kinda price range are you looking at. What I'd say from my experience is that a phono stage is a really underrated piece of gear that can make a huge difference to a set up, more than...
  6. Joe Mac

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    Their new M7B and M8B both offer a degree of MC comparability and can be improved on again by adding an SU7 down the line. Maybe even consider their SU6 and adding it to your MM6 for MC? Are there any other phono stages you’ve looked at beyond the pro-jest one?
  7. Joe Mac

    It Could Get A Bit Messi In Here - The Football Thread.

    oooof! Arsenal! That feels defining.
  8. Joe Mac

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    I've heard mixed things about the project phono stages and I'm not sure if that's where I'd be going. The S also feels a little lightweight when compared with the rest of the gear you are looking at, honestly I'd take the Darlington Labs one that you are currently running over it if the choice...
  9. Joe Mac

    It Could Get A Bit Messi In Here - The Football Thread.

    I think it's impossible to say. I like stubbornness in a manager, but is he going to far. At the end of the day there is also a bit of him highlighting just how poor they are ahead of the summer to strengthen his hard in transfers. I am kind of sick of the endless these players are useless or...
  10. Joe Mac

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    Yeah and you could, if you wanted, invest the savings in the few little things that could lift the sound like an improved mat like the funk firm apm or the kab tonearm damper or better isolating feet. From everything I’ve seen and read that’s a really nice starting point of a turntable that has...
  11. Joe Mac

    It Could Get A Bit Messi In Here - The Football Thread.

    You’ll struggle to find better owners in a city and club of the size and profile of Leicester. They have invested pretty heavily and took them from bankruptcy and the third tier to a premier league title and fa cup. That’s unprecedented for the club. Their historic level has been a yo-yo club...
  12. Joe Mac

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    Barring the phono stage the 100 and 1500 are the exact same table. So if you don’t need the phono and don’t have an absolute need for silver the 100 is the way to go. I also prefer the cartridge on the 100, especially once you upgrade the stylus, the AT higher profile styli sound much better to...
  13. Joe Mac

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    Oh I can judge anything. Watch…. The planet is dying and you bought a GT40? Well you might as well just have set a forest on fire! 😜
  14. Joe Mac

    Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

    You guess correctly! Just a pit of hair fixing and shaving are done in my mirror! Appreciate the feedback though, really just have a head full of ideas and am trying to crystallise them!
  15. Joe Mac

    Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

    'Twas this type of look that piqued my interest....
  16. Joe Mac

    Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

    For sure but a part of me doesn’t mind the thoughts of that in a bathroom and it’s a pretty big bathroom considering it’s an apartment so I’m not shrinking a cloakroom.
  17. Joe Mac

    Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

    Totally, the bathroom will be finished without the ceiling painted next week, so it will just be white but dirty as before, I’ve got to sort the paint and painter for that out separate. I might judge it then. It’s going to be black slate effect tile and shower tray on the floor with white Matt...
  18. Joe Mac

    Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

    Also because I’m just that excited about the whole thing here is a before, end day 1 and end day 2 pic…
  19. Joe Mac

    Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

    So the bathroom works are well under way, they were tiling today but because I’ve gone away for the weekend I’ve not seen it. Last decision is paint for the ceiling. I have black floor tiles and a black shower tray and white marble effect tiles on the walls. Do I play it safe with white...
  20. Joe Mac

    I'm really ejoying Sam Fender's new album, it has been a while since anyone melded overtly...

    I'm really ejoying Sam Fender's new album, it has been a while since anyone melded overtly political music with stadium rock choruses this well.