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  1. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 14: Lightsaber Clash – Spin an intense, high-energy track. Cosmonaut - self titled Track of choice is the opener, Choke. Again, friends of mine, love these guys and sad they disbanded.
  2. spydrwebb44

    Sutherland Club House

    I missed that small detail, wouldn't expect a big difference in sound with the LPS.
  3. spydrwebb44

    Sutherland Club House

    The best is yet to come, for sure. I recall the 20/20 opening up considerably after about two weeks of regular use. Sutherland likely would have been my landing point if it wasn't for liking Grado carts as much as I do. The two just didn't seem to dial in enough for my taste, and I'd already...
  4. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 13: Jedi vs. Sith – Play something that captures a battle of light and dark (or, perhaps, loud and soft) Explosions in the Sky - all of a sudden i miss everyone It's the one of theirs I spin the most, and quite frequently. Loud and soft dynamics are their specialty.
  5. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 12: The Mandalorian Way – Play a lone wolf. Damien Rice - 9 Wasn't sure if this meant lone wolf in the sense of one and done, or a lone(r) solo artist. If the latter, you'd be hard pressed to find somebody flying further under the radar that previously enjoyed success.
  6. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 11: The Princess’s Theme – Play an ass-kicking female artist. Luscious Jackson - Fever In Fever Out Ass kicking is what these ladies do best on the regular.
  7. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 10: Smuggler’s Groove – What would Han and Chewie listen to aboard the Millennium Falcon? Nada Surf - high/low
  8. spydrwebb44

    Cables - one of the most taboo subjects in audio

    All good, MC and MI only. Cheers!
  9. spydrwebb44

    Cables - one of the most taboo subjects in audio

    I use Analysis Plus cables, mainly because they're a local family nearby and a cottage effort that I want to see succeed. I have no idea if their products make things "better" but they're incredibly friendly and not far down the road, and that works for me. There definitely is a "proceed with...
  10. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    The entire world will be left to wonder. I'm told those types of secrets are locked tight in the 700 club penthouse suite. Thankfully, no sane person from this forum would step into let alone reside there.
  11. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    Among other awful tasting fare and libations, so I hear.
  12. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 9: Jabba’s Sail Barge– We’re on a boat! Zac Brown Band - The Foundation Wasn't quite sure what to do with this one, so took it to mean "yacht rock" of choice.
  13. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    Wait, you mean to suggest that's not actually what she's saying?! I mean, what else makes sense?
  14. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 8: Anakin/Vader - Play an artist that changed (persona, genres or some other thing that made you view them differently) Radiohead - OK COMPUTER Self explanatory, and overly deserved.
  15. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 7: Luke, I am your father - Darth Vader never says, “Luke, I am your father.” In actuality, he says, “No, I am your father.” Play something you misheard or misquoted. Stone Temple Pilots - Core I'm still convinced Barbie's got a gun, not Bobby. 😁 (Track 7 - Creep)
  16. spydrwebb44

    Sutherland Club House

    Thanks, gents. 🤘
  17. spydrwebb44

    Sutherland Club House

    I don't know if I ever paid close attention to capacitance. In fact, I know I haven't. Maybe I should? How would I know if my current setup is optimal in this regard?
  18. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 6: Dagobah Meditations – Let’s chill with a calm, introspective album, appropriate for a Jedi’s reflection. Norah Jones - Come Away With Me Probably the easiest decision yet. A staple voice that just oozes calm introspection.
  19. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 5: Rise of the Sith – Give me something dark, powerful and menacing. Still Remains - The Serpent Mike's been a friend for a long time and whenever I'm looking for something with a fit of rage and crunch, this record enters the fold. Mike's personal touch was on this work more than the...
  20. spydrwebb44

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 4: The Cantina Vibes – Spin a funky album that could play in Mos Eisley. Prince in Jazz - Various Artists (Wagram Music)