January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

Day 5
Angel Bat Dawid & Tha Brothahood - Live

Dawid’s music is angry and confrontational, it takes the music of the past and the music of the future - shines a light on what it means to be Black in this world and defiantly proclaims its rightful place in it. Beautiful, dark, and ultimately frightening in the fact that this struggle is still ongoing.
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January 4: The Cantina Vibes – Spin a funky album that could play in Mos Eisley.

I don't know that I would call Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes funky. Apparently their sound is based on Benny Goodman (or, if this took place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, maybe Benny Goodmans sound is based on them?). Specifically the Cantina Band song is based on / inspired Sing Sing Sing.

Benny Goodman ~ The Famous Carnegie Hall Jazz Concert Vol. 3
