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  1. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    Thanks.....I am not in a rush. Figured if it takes the year it does. I guess i will be on the look for the GR and the 1300 and see where i go. The 1300 being may bit of a reach but...never know how the year goes.
  2. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    OK...looking for some input. This year it is time to upgrade the temporary AT-LP120XUSB. I really got his to be a second to transfer albums, singles and what not to digital if and when. It is not a bad little turntable but it it time. Back in the day used to have (2) Technics, an SL1800 and...
  3. Lek

    The football thread RenegadeMonster is looking for: NFL talk

    Only game yesterday that was interesting enough to watch without throwing on some tunes and turning the game volume down.
  4. Lek

    What's Going On Up There- The Headphone Thread

    well, since a good portion of my listening is headphones, if you want a serious pair the Audeze MM-500 are absolutely outstanding. Upgraded from the Sen HD600 and while they are nice, not even close to what the Audeze can do. Now, a healthy price jump but worth every penny.
  5. Lek

    Definitive Audiophile pressings

    good...I have them all form the 70's, less LA Woman (for which i have no idea where that went, lol). Certainly did not need them all just to have them but three of them i do listen two from time to time (Morrison Hotel & Soft Parade) and should replace LA Woman.
  6. Lek

    The Dark Side; Digital audio equipment recommendations and setup.

    Well...still looking for a new amp., integrated.....still leaning Hegel 190V.....but still looking. Came across Advance Paris V12 - any thoughts?...anyone know anything about these folks. Seemingly getting good reviews. A12 Classic – Advance Paris
  7. Lek


    Yes....i have two AV amps with two zones each. Both are Marantz and I am not thrilled with them. Thought about a box to switch zones, but really would prefer a single looking to be pretty set on the Onkyo RZ70 as it should go on sale soon for $1799.00....that is about what i paid for...
  8. Lek


    Had the house wired 4 years ago.....Monitor Silvers in living room with matching center and sub (sub took a lighting hit recently...i think), 8" Monitor in kitchen ceiling (i built boxes for them in the attic) and decent small Monitors for outdoors (which i listen to 2-3 times a year?). They...
  9. Lek

    New ultrasonic vinyl cleaner in the works: Humminguru

    I never had one so the Nova with the upgrades was an easy choice....but had i had an original, i would not have upgraded it for this.
  10. Lek


    OK...upgrading system...longer story, but unless you have time to stop by and have a good many drinks (which by the way i am always open to).......first off, going with a dedicate integrated amp for phono and CD....Right now looking at Hegel 190V, Parasound Hint 6 and Rotel RA1592 MK II...
  11. Lek

    Record cleaning - what's your method?

    I have one cat that now knows when i am pouring the water into it and either hides under a blanket or goes idea how he equates the pouring water to the hissing sound....old and wise?....he is 12...the other 2 are 3 years old and they could care less.
  12. Lek

    Record cleaning - what's your method?

    Yeah...tried it on one of the cats...they did not particularly like it, and did not come out any cleaner that a normal bath....
  13. Lek

    Record cleaning - what's your method?

    I bought the new HG and very happy. All my albums already cleaned with spinclean and once run through HG...there is definite improvement.
  14. Lek

    Definitive Audiophile pressings

    I have all the originals, well...have not ever looked at what they are, likely re-issues form the 70's...and they all sound just fine enough, though this is tempting.....though i am missing my LA Woman.....hmmm.....another MIA album....i swear there is a box of them somewhere and i know i am...
  15. Lek

    Headphone input

    Went with the Audeze MM-500. Had a place i could try these. The only had the Focal Clear MG and Stellia as well as the LCD-X in the ballpark. Neither of the Focals came close to what the MM-550's were doing and not nearly as comfortable. The LCD-X were solid, but still the MM-500...
  16. Lek

    Online Vinyl Deals

    suppose it is possible...i truly was shocked....all i heard was how great it was.
  17. Lek

    Online Vinyl Deals

    what i have is flat and muddy.....not good. - very disappointed. I have Waiting for Columbus and it is amazing.
  18. Lek

    Online Vinyl Deals

    Hmmm...I have the Feat's Don't Fail Me Now, by BG and it right out sucks!!! Will not touch another one.
  19. Lek

    What's Spinning

    Listening to Little Feat....feats do not fail me now, 2024 remaster...lacquer cut by Bernie, absolutely a piece of crap. Rather listen to my beat up OG copy.....this is muddy mess.....worthless.
  20. Lek

