ok...background...i prefer headphones these days more so because i have lost 50% hearing , maybe a bit less, in my right ear and have tinnitus in it (not major but there). The close proximity of the music output seemingly works much better than speakers as 12-18'.....though speakers are ok, just there is a bit of wankiness with reception in that ear at times.... (of note live concerts seemingly i have no issues with wankiness).
Also prefer cans as most of my listening is late night and well, the lady of the house is sleeping and it is a small house and some of what i listen too can drive her a bit mad during daytime hours, lol.
So...looking to take a good step up, as i can...but not looking to go insane....only because i can not....ok, more so i should not.
Currently have Sennheiser HD600. They are very nice. Came in at a money figure I was willing to spend two years ago and basically got the best write ups and i am not disappointed in any way past maybe a little light on low end clarity at times (i do not EQ anyting).
So looking to move up. Have it to the Sennheiser 800S...and the Hifiman HE1000V4 - 800S seems to get write ups of a l;ight bottom end which i really am looking to improce, so leaning towards the HE1000's. HE100's get some issues on review of high end, but i have a high tolerance on that side.
Thought i would see if any here any input or thoughts on these, or other recomendations in this price range that you all may have as you all were so helpful when i was looking at ultrasonic cleaners.
Also prefer cans as most of my listening is late night and well, the lady of the house is sleeping and it is a small house and some of what i listen too can drive her a bit mad during daytime hours, lol.
So...looking to take a good step up, as i can...but not looking to go insane....only because i can not....ok, more so i should not.
Currently have Sennheiser HD600. They are very nice. Came in at a money figure I was willing to spend two years ago and basically got the best write ups and i am not disappointed in any way past maybe a little light on low end clarity at times (i do not EQ anyting).
So looking to move up. Have it to the Sennheiser 800S...and the Hifiman HE1000V4 - 800S seems to get write ups of a l;ight bottom end which i really am looking to improce, so leaning towards the HE1000's. HE100's get some issues on review of high end, but i have a high tolerance on that side.
Thought i would see if any here any input or thoughts on these, or other recomendations in this price range that you all may have as you all were so helpful when i was looking at ultrasonic cleaners.