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  1. Matt M

    Music Festivals

  2. Matt M

    Music Festivals

    Same weekend as Ohana Fest. Guess we know some bands that won't be there. Wouldn't have minded the Black Crowes or Vampire Weekend there.
  3. Matt M

    Music Festivals

    Um, Fountains of Wayne?
  4. Matt M

    February 2025 Spin Challenge

    Day 8 - Kite Flying Day - Play something that reminds you of flight/the skies. Brian Scary & The Shredding Tears - Flight Of The Knife Thought of this former referral from @scotthilk for this challenge. Here's the original info from 2020 - Ladies and gents, I had an idea for my "super...
  5. Matt M

    Pre-Order Thread

    Hopefully! Doesn't seem like they're doing many reissues. Could use more for sure!
  6. Matt M

    Pre-Order Thread

    Damn, missed it! EDIT: just don't know how to internet. But that's too damn expensive! Re:EDIT: Ah, fuck it. Those are them aussie dollars. Did it.
  7. Matt M

    February 2025 Spin Challenge

    Large deduction in points.
  8. Matt M

    Fresh Grabs

    It's just so consistent, and almost every sandwich is great.
  9. Matt M

    Fresh Grabs

    It was a nice day and super good prices. I think 2nd ave here in Portland might have the most consistent best prices in the country on new stuff, especially since we have no tax. $21 for Fontaines, $24 for Gits and Yo La. Mississippi had that Yo La Soundtrack for $16. The Genius + Love was $10...
  10. Matt M

    Fresh Grabs

    Rolled into town for lunch at Lardo and hit three stores for these beauties.
  11. Matt M

    February 2025 Spin Challenge

    Day 7 - National Wear Red Day - Play a record with a red cover, or has red in the title. Redd Kross - s/t
  12. Matt M

    February 2025 Spin Challenge

    Day 6 - National Frozen Yogurt Day - Play something that's a quality substitute for the real thing. Chris Bell - I Am The Cosmos This whole record would have fit unnoticed on a Big Star record.
  13. Matt M

    Record Store Day 2025

  14. Matt M

    Record Store Day 2025

    Speaking of that, anybody remember which stores have the best shipping prices to the US?
  15. Matt M

    What's Spinning

    Eyelids - 854 Collection playthrough item # 27. Alphabetical by album title in discogs.
  16. Matt M

    What's Spinning

    RIDE - 4eps Collection playthrough item # 26. Alphabetical by album title in discogs.
  17. Matt M

    What's Spinning

    Foreigner - 4 Collection playthrough item # 25. Alphabetical by album title in discogs.
  18. Matt M

    Record Store Day 2025

  19. Matt M

    Record Store Day 2025

    Which store? Curious on some prices.