Search results

  1. S

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    Vanguard and Comedy Anthologies will be available in swaps!
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    Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

    I messaged them and asked if they would add me to the signed zine list since I purchased when they went live. They said they would, so we shall see
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    Vinyl Me Please Country

    Good, that’s a relief. Everything is stacked upright like they would be in a kallax.
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    Vinyl Me Please Country

    Just a random question… the AC is currently out in my residence. I’m in East Tennessee, so it isn’t too hot yet. It’s getting to be about 82 degrees in the house by midday. All of my records are stored in Really Useful Boxes in a room with a ceiling fan on blast at all times with the door shut...
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    Magnolia Record Club

    Ordered NTB, Lord Huron, and Fleet Foxes. Was sitting on a $10 reward, so three albums for $20 is a steal.
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    Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

    Yes, same thing here. I won the Julien Baker contest, and got my gift card today.
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    VMP Limited Tracks - Vinyl Me, Parton

    Awesome, happy spinning!
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    VMP Limited Tracks - Vinyl Me, Parton

    Perfect! Did your account show as partially shipped? That’s what mine is saying, but I’m hoping everything is in there.
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    Third Man Records Vault

    Icky Thump was a great release.
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    VMP Limited Tracks - Vinyl Me, Parton

    And I got one for Kacey, but nothing else 😅
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    Online Vinyl Deals

    I’ll get my a Crosley Suitcase Player if it turns out to be the vinyl boxset so I can listen to my grails on the way to work. Does a PS5 play them? I have no clue.
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    Online Vinyl Deals

    I’d need something. I don’t think I have anything that even plays CDs anymore.
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    Online Vinyl Deals

    Same here! Watch a CD set show up…
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    Online Vinyl Deals

    Hoping the Sabotage set comes back!
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    Online Vinyl Deals
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    Online Vinyl Deals
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    Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

    Just got a shipping notification for Motion City Soundtrack.
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    Vinyl Me Please Country

    I’ve seen a few people just now receiving Sublime, so maybe they are behind this month. Did you get Dolly? I have all 5 tracks now, and nothing here either. I wonder if there was a slight delay in something?
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    Third Man Records Vault

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    Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

    What was the original plan for Thrice? All of the other variants have been released