2022 NCAA N&G Tournament Bracket Pool

I messed up and didn't enter my second bracket into the N&G group. My bad for assuming it was automatically entered after doing one already.
Lol I had the opposite happen where I’d already created a bracket in the ESPN app for fun for myself and then was going to make a new one to submit for this group, but when I joined this group, it just pulled that other one in.
I'm currently in 2nd in the N&G group (subject to change) with a not very good % correct picks, at 65%~.

However, one of my coworkers invited me to another bracket with his friends with a $20 buy-in. I'm currently in 7th place having picked 85%~ correct so far.

Both groups about the same size as well. Wonder what that means for competitiveness of each, or just luck, one way or the other.