At first I was a bit irritated by how the movie concluded but the more you think about it you realize the creepy asf real goat human dad was simply taking back his daughter and possibly even avenging the death of Ada's real sheep mother. The human mom and dad were just clearly trying to replace there own daughter that passed which is pretty hard hitting when you realize they still had the crib and clothes of the deceased child as well. It basically leaves you with the simple message "don't take what isn't yours". It was mostly just heartbreaking seeing the confusion/teary eyes of Ada at the end who had so much innocence and love throughout the movie. Never thought i'd care about a human/lamb hybrid as much as I did with Ada

. I really wish there was more information about the backstory of the mystical goat man because he was unsettling asf. There's also a part of me that wonders how good this could have been if they cut the horror out and made it more with the vibe of Marcel The Shell with a happy ending.