All things disc golf.

What are the specs on this one? It's wild he has his own line of discs...

4/2/1/5 for Zone OS vs. 4/3/0/3 for Zone

Brodie doesn't have his own line, just his Tour Series disc (player gets a percentage of sales on them, and all of what they sell their own for, which I'm sure the get for some combination or version of free, at, or just above cost). I also got an Adam Hammes Tour Series Zone to add to my Zone collection as well—as I bag anywhere from 1 to 3 at a time.

I don't typically seek out Tour Series discs even for the players I do really like since they are pretty expensive up here, usually. I do have a couple Sexton Firebirds—my first one has been bagged often and the next year's I've never thrown but bought as a back up. If I didn't get on to records I'd probably have more Tour Series discs, but I've gotta share the love!
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