Arrakis? More like Ar-ROCK-is! The April 2024 Record-Spinning Challenge Thread

26 - Feyd-Rautha: Play something menacing.

Possession was written from the perspective of a man obsessed with a woman, and the genesis of it was the contents of fan mail that Sarah McLachan was receiving at the time. Listened from thats perspective, its way more of a menacing track than a romantic one.

Sarah McLachlan ~ Fumbling Towards Ecstacy


Well, speaking of menacing, I thought I was using the newer Topsters (Topsters 2) site that wasn't associated with the original guy who was propagating anti-vax/consipiracy theories. Apparently I was wrong as when I went to add todays album I got greeted with this:

"Beware of satanic music
A lot of music has satanic lyrics that will put you in a demonic state. This is not to be laughed at. It endangers your soul and mind.

For example, look at the lyrics of The Beatles 'Strawberry Fields Forever': "Nothing is real, it doesn't matter much to me, living is easy with eyes closed, take me down to that endless red place la la la." This is nihilism: it says, "hell isn't so bad, come try it out!" It's pure evil.

If you've been listening to this music, cure yourself by listening to Gregorian and Orthodox chants instead:"

Moving over to Topsters 3 now: Topsters 3