August 12 - Vinyl Record Day - Play an album that makes you appreciate the vinyl format.
Car Seat Headrest - Teens of Denial
This makes me appreciate vinyl, because you can't hear this version on any streaming service. This is the first pressing that wasn't supposed to ever be sold. Story goes they thought they had the rights to use a portion of Just What I Needed from The Cars, but like 2 weeks before the album came out Ric Ocasek said "as a matter of fact, nah....", so they had to destroy the initial pressing. Well, as you can tell some of them slipped out to the public. The current version has a song called Not What I Needed that used to be called Just What I Needed/ Not Just What I Needed that had and intro and outro that used the copywrited song.
now i wake up in the mornings, and all the kindness is drained out of me...
August 13 - Alfred Hitchcock's birthday - Play something scary!
Ghost - Opus Eponomous
Okay, so this isn't really scary. It's more like spOooOOOoooky. I don't know if it was ever really trying to be scary, or if it was all tongue-in-cheek from the start, but there's a papal figure that comes out in concert and plays a sweet sax solo, now, so I don't give a shit what they're trying to do they are succeeding. The way he pronounces Elizabeth on this album is pretty scary, though. OOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOH.
Someone once referred to Ghost songs as Scooby Doo Chase Music and it's one of the shining moments of the internet.
toxic blood of not-known birth, anti-christ will walk the earth
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