August 18 - Bad Poetry Day - Play an album with terrible lyrics. Bonus points for posting your favorite cringe-worthy lyric.
Can - Tago Mago
This one was really tough for me. No one sets out with the intention of writing "bad" lyrics. And bad is so so subjective. It's hard for me to look at something and think 'man, this is bad' since maybe it's just not for me. For instance I think the line "I spread like strawberries, I climb like pees and beans" is stupid as fuck. But, I love it. I could call it bad, but I don't know. I think it's kind of charming in it's stupidity.
So I copped-out and chose an album where the words really don't mean anything, and if they do they're so vague and/or random that it doesn't really matter if they actually mean anything or not. They're there just to sound a certain way.
For example, the "worst" lyrics can be found in the song Peking O. They are transcribed verbatim here:
ahkjsdglkjnb sdkjgvbnaihjvbqiubn4ewiuofnaskejhngf
I present to you.....high art.
when i saw mushroomhead i was born and i was dead
August 19 - World Humanitarian Day - Play an album by a socially conscious artist.
Chvrches - Every Open Eye
Where do I start with this? What an absolute fucking shame it is that if you are female and outspoken in today's online world then it opens the door for all manner of mouth-breathing, cro-magnon idiots to verbally attack and/or physically threaten you. I love that this band does not back down and stands true to their societal beliefs even in the face of abuse. They had to scale up their security after the band called out Marshmello for working with woman-abuser and all around terrible human Chris Brown. After that, the Chris Brown (and domestic abuse) supporters sent death and various physical/sexual abuse threats toward the band, mostly aimed at the singer, Lauren Mayberry.
There are many instances of Mayberry being outspoken and standing up for herself, her band, and other women. A select few here:
“Although we get the cyber-misogyny on a certain level because of visibility, this happens to women all the time anyway,” said Mayberry. “I hate the idea that young girls who follow our band who deal with stuff like that—I don’t want them to feel isolated, I don’t want them to feel like it’s just happening to them. Because it happens everywhere.”
"My band is lucky enough to have some of the most awesome, supportive and respectful fans in the world and we are so excited to be in the studio making an album to share with them. Yet, on a daily basis, we still receive communications like this. These people never learn that violence against women is unacceptable. But they also never learn that women will not be shamed and silenced and made to disappear. I am not going anywhere. So bring it on, motherfuckers. Let’s see who blinks first."
“I do not accept…that it is all right for people to make comments ranging from ‘a bit sexist but generally harmless’ to openly sexually aggressive,” Mayberry wrote in The Guardian. “Objectification, whatever its form, is not something anyone should have to ‘just deal with.”
I am catching on and I am seeing red. How 'bout I prove I'm right and raise it overhead.
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