Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

The current code works out really well for internationals who are placing a big order as shipping and taxes on the combined order is much less so good way to drop those 60% off bandbucks
The longer this sale goes on the more I get worried they are about to close up shop. I have no insider information and I really like Bandbox exclusives so hope that doesn't occur, but the consistently delayed exclusives, zines and the seemingly consistent blowout sales don't make me optimistic.

This got added then promptly removed last night. Got my order in before it got taken down and the 2k24 code applied.

Weird that department of eagles disappeared and never came back but I ordered that one too
Yo La Tengo is back in store now. And the code is still live.
Code looks to be deactivated now, which is probably for the best, I’ve got the standard issue, I don’t really need to pay 25 bucks for a shiny color that’ll take forever to ship. Definitely not dropping half a hundo on it though