This is my fourth post and it might seem a little suspicious, considering I just joined to make those posts. Hi!
I was lurking this thread for the past month or so, out of curiosity to see if anyone else has fallen victim to Bandbox's shortcomings as of recent, and it looks like I'm not alone in this debacle! Let me explain:
I am a huge fan of Presidents of the USA, and when they announced those Freaked Out and Small & Love Everybody vinyl, I was absolutely psyched- those albums have NEVER been pressed on wax since their introduction to the world in 2000 and 2004, respectively. Me and a PUSA Facebook group I'm in was absolutely crazy with it as well (one member bought 3 copies of both AND two shirts as a preorder!) I swung into action and bought both vinyl immediately (considering there was a cut-off date of September 30, the last day to preorder the two.)
However, I noticed something weird after a few months: the listings for the two products were still available for purchase 6 days after the supposed "cutoff day". One other person noticed this too, and they were shortly "sold out". ANOTHER instance came December 12th (or a bit earlier?) where I noticed both were available for purchase, TWO MONTHS after the "cutoff day". However, someone must've been luring the Facebook group by then, and they disabled the option to buy 'em again by tomorrow morning.
Something else interesting I've noticed is that pictures started popping up on Discogs around January 16th of this year. What I've gathered is that these likely do
NOT come from people working at Bandbox, but rather people who emailed the company, asking if they could have the vinyl first
then the zines second. Most people got lucky, but it still came as a surprise to the Facebook group that copies DID EXIST and weren't even in their hands yet. Not a good sign.
I mentioned this thread to the fine people at the Facebook group, and some didn't seem too concerned, at least in a Yo La Tengo group:
View attachment 197070
Then we got the e-mail from February 23rd, basically saying "yeah things are still fine, we're just moving our records to a different company that could ship them for us! we'll be shipping out within two weeks, smiley face

". A bit of a step up from absolutely no communication for the past month, but it was something, I guess. Then we all know what happened today.
I'm just as disappointed (and mad) as every single one of you in this thread. Knowing that two of the most prized things in my life will never come to fruition is a sad reality that I absolutely hate to live in. I've lurked the thread for a few weeks now, and apparently there's over
two dozen albums that haven't even been shipped out to fans yet??? The fact that the operations are completely done for and no orders will be shipped is a very harsh blow, considering that they filed for an assignment for the benefit of creditors the
day of the email saying that everything is fine. Talk about bullshit.
I recommend going to PayPal about any of this, make a claim, and I'm sure they'll be able to help you out from there. Sorry for the folks who paid in
play money Bandbux.
Thanks for the memories, Bandbox. Notice how I didn't say "good" memories.