For the past two or three years now, I have been sending a handful of friends a monthly 10 song playlist of odds and ends that caught my ear over the preceding month, and usually got played a lot while I was streaming. There's no set metric for what makes it and what doesn't—sometimes something quirky and whimsical slips in, and sometimes my choices may be a bit predictable ("ooooh, another month with a Moor Mother track or collaboration, how shocking!") The most important thing is I very much enjoy the songs, and I really love putting the playlist together. Some months it's hard to whittle the accumulated tracks down to 10* and others it can be pretty easy.
Anyhow, I figured this year I'd share here for kicks in case any of y'all are interested:
*while there is no set metric in place, often songs that appear in my top 9 for a given month are some of the first to get whittled away from the playlist, which is why, for instance, "****ology 101" by Lambrini Girls didn't make this edition of the playlist, despite being an absolute jam that I definitely played a LOT.