avecigrec Well-Known Member Yesterday at 5:47 PM #241 Somehow this one COMPLETELY passed me by. Thank goodness for the Stupify algorithm, which corrected the error for me! @Nee Lewman
Somehow this one COMPLETELY passed me by. Thank goodness for the Stupify algorithm, which corrected the error for me! @Nee Lewman
Nee Lewman बैस्टर्ड Yesterday at 6:32 PM #242 avecigrec said: Somehow this one COMPLETELY passed me by. Thank goodness for the Stupify algorithm, which corrected the error for me! @Nee Lewman Click to expand... I will check it out, although my priority tonight is Lady Gaga. Here’s one that I’m shocked I see no mention of: Especially given the guitar player. Roon suggested it.
avecigrec said: Somehow this one COMPLETELY passed me by. Thank goodness for the Stupify algorithm, which corrected the error for me! @Nee Lewman Click to expand... I will check it out, although my priority tonight is Lady Gaga. Here’s one that I’m shocked I see no mention of: Especially given the guitar player. Roon suggested it.