I'm free those dates, tooOctober 15th or 16th work for draft for me....only time I can't is from 10:30AM EST to 12:30PM EST on the 15th
Recruit away.@TenderLovingKiller® - back to you - nay or nay?
Just want to make sure no one else on N&G wants in before we recruit people outside of here.
We will miss you and @CrazyDiamond84 and everyone else who isn’t playing!Recruit away.
I'll be at the lightning game early grabbing Saturday afternoon so count me out from 2pm est to 730pm estIs Saturday 10/8 too soon?
Draft Lottery:
I'll go through the thread and pick out some draft dates and times that seem to work for people and we can vote.
Trade ya!Last but not least....me.......LETS GO
I voted!Here is a poll with some potential draft times, open to suggestions as well. I assume you guys have jobs during normal job hours, and we're covering a few time zones, so if we choose a weeknight I think it'd have to be a late night draft for the east coasters.
Vote for as many timeslots as you like:
Have your say: When do you want to draft?
Voice your opinion on the poll: When do you want to draft?take.quiz-maker.com