
Small thing but I use the alerts option all the time, lately when I click on a reply to a post or like etc it sends me to an approximate position of the post in that page, so I then have to scroll up and down to find it.
Small thing but anyone else have that issue ?

I have noticed the issue, especially when the page has lots of images. What is happening is it brings you to the correct position, but then images load and push the page down. So the position you were brought too is no longer correct.

Not sure if this is affecting anyone else but my comment box is foobar'd after the maintenance this morning, tried on 3 difference browsers and it's the same on each one. If I post an image I can't add text in the same comment so I'll follow up with one afterwards. Though if this is a widespread issue it's obviously something others will have noticed by now haha
I have now also just correct the styling in the text editor related to highlighted content. It was highlighting with black and the text remained black essentially redacting the selected text verses highlighting it. This has now been resolved.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vulputate velit vitae tellus pretium laoreet. Vestibulum in odio laoreet, fringilla eros eu, ornare elit. Aenean quis nulla ut tortor ultrices placerat. Vivamus imperdiet vulputate facilisis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam at laoreet libero. Nulla et vestibulum sapien. Suspendisse imperdiet neque at tellus lobortis auctor. Quisque nisl nulla, dignissim a laoreet sit amet, luctus sodales neque. Nam nec suscipit quam, ac blandit orci. Aenean at tellus pellentesque, euismod nibh sit amet, pharetra felis. Phasellus quis dapibus ex. Donec vitae condimentum ex. Suspendisse vestibulum urna velit, sed efficitur tortor dignissim vitae. Maecenas imperdiet leo id dui iaculis scelerisque. Integer ut accumsan velit.
Maecenas laoreet condimentum tortor. Mauris posuere ut nisl ac varius. Integer ut egestas metus. Aliquam fermentum suscipit iaculis. Maecenas at risus lobortis, volutpat eros eu, lacinia nibh. Donec et lobortis turpis, sit amet consequat nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer vitae semper sem, in rhoncus tortor. Etiam sit amet justo varius felis maximus aliquet vitae non arcu. Praesent vehicula orci ultrices nisl porta accumsan. Proin nec tortor vel purus pellentesque porta id a lorem. Proin euismod dapibus elit, non vulputate ligula. Aenean magna enim, viverra placerat augue quis, cursus ultrices risus. Sed vel sem consectetur, aliquam ex vitae, aliquet dolor. Vestibulum scelerisque metus at enim volutpat eleifend.
Sed auctor ultricies ex. Vestibulum et condimentum lectus, vitae consequat neque. Vivamus eget erat dolor. Etiam efficitur ultrices mi sed pulvinar. Donec at magna nec risus sodales consectetur. Nunc ligula magna, luctus quis orci a, venenatis lacinia tellus. Cras neque mi, faucibus id tellus sed, placerat gravida sapien. Morbi cursus massa a orci congue, at varius quam consequat.
Nam at ipsum in lorem commodo placerat sit amet vitae felis. Proin porta dui nec interdum aliquam. Curabitur urna ipsum, bibendum eu urna vel, semper egestas tellus. Mauris ac nulla et purus blandit fermentum. Ut vulputate metus rhoncus turpis euismod tristique. Phasellus scelerisque turpis neque, eget sodales nunc fringilla vitae. Sed eu semper nisi. Nunc commodo sollicitudin orci, id elementum arcu lobortis non. Etiam vel ligula quis dui vestibulum dapibus eu eu dolor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce sodales ullamcorper sem. Phasellus ultrices nibh et ex aliquam, nec hendrerit sem euismod. Vivamus posuere ut sapien quis maximus.
Curabitur aliquam leo ut interdum posuere. Aenean sit amet imperdiet leo, eu rutrum enim. Morbi ultricies, eros et convallis euismod, tellus mi imperdiet lorem, et dignissim dolor turpis non leo. Ut lacinia mi ligula, vitae cursus augue bibendum nec. Morbi sit amet posuere lectus. Mauris ultricies quam diam, nec scelerisque urna consequat non. Nulla feugiat arcu dui, non condimentum quam sagittis sed. Mauris nisi libero, posuere at finibus at, lobortis non arcu. Fusce accumsan enim vel turpis tincidunt iaculis. Nulla tempor lobortis sapien non ornare. Aenean sed porta est. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer urna leo, placerat eget lorem sed, aliquet mattis justo. Maecenas ac commodo est, in condimentum ante. Praesent tristique facilisis arcu ac hendrerit. Donec pulvinar fringilla facilisis.
For some reason I still cannot use any of the tool bar functions (bold, italics, hyperlink, etc.) on my phone browser since the last update. It works just fine when I’m on a desktop but frankly I do 90% of my browsing here on my phone. I can see the tool bar but all the icons appear in light grey (when I try to click on them, nothing happens). Any ideas/solutions? It’s been like that for a couple of weeks.
For some reason I still cannot use any of the tool bar functions (bold, italics, hyperlink, etc.) on my phone browser since the last update. It works just fine when I’m on a desktop but frankly I do 90% of my browsing here on my phone. I can see the tool bar but all the icons appear in light grey (when I try to click on them, nothing happens). Any ideas/solutions? It’s been like that for a couple of weeks.
Do you have this selected?

I can't see any instagram posts. It just has an Instagram link that says log in, but if I click on it I'm not taken to a login page. Can't see my own posts or anyone else's. Any ideas?
I can't see any instagram posts. It just has an Instagram link that says log in, but if I click on it I'm not taken to a login page. Can't see my own posts or anyone else's. Any ideas?

I believe this happens when you don't allow cookies are you have a corrupted cookie. Try deleting your cookies and see if that resolves the issue.
I believe this happens when you don't allow cookies are you have a corrupted cookie. Try deleting your cookies and see if that resolves the issue.
let's test it out with something seasonal

** yup, no longer embedding the files for me, just giving me the link as a log-in. cleared cache and all that.
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