Ch Ch Ch Changes! - David Bowie Talk

Visconti always felt that TMWSTW should have been released as either Bowie/Ronson/Visconti or Hype. Where he most likely had Bowie's notes for Lodger and Space Oddity, I think Visconti remixed this how he himself wanted it.
Visconti always felt that TMWSTW should have been released as either Bowie/Ronson/Visconti or Hype. Where he most likely had Bowie's notes for Lodger and Space Oddity, I think Visconti remixed this how he himself wanted it.
Definitely. No one is telling me Bowie wanted every album remixed for its 50th anniversary. I don’t buy it. We already had remixes of Ziggy, Station To Station, Lodger and Never Let Me Down. Release something like Toy instead or compilations of unreleased songs.
Visconti always felt that TMWSTW should have been released as either Bowie/Ronson/Visconti or Hype. Where he most likely had Bowie's notes for Lodger and Space Oddity, I think Visconti remixed this how he himself wanted it.
I thought Ronson was clearer in this new mix. Which is a good thing. Not a night and day revelation of a remix. Something like the Street Legal by Dylan remix that happened in the mid-90s totally revamped that album.
Sadly I am not looking forward to mess he will make of Hunky Dory. Or better yet, redoing Low and taking out Dennis Davis' percussion work and replacing it with his own.
Sadly I am not looking forward to mess he will make of Hunky Dory. Or better yet, redoing Low and taking out Dennis Davis' percussion work and replacing it with his own.
He didn’t produce Hunky Dory originally so hopefully he’ll leave it alone. I doubt it though
Well I listened to Metrobolist yesterday and I have to say I am not overly impressed. Where the Space Oddity remix was more of a polish job with making the soundstage a bit better defined, this is not well done in my opinion. One review described it as when people post videos on YouTube of them playing drums along with classic records. I find the drums are way to high in the mix. Also on the title track I think Tony nodded off and pushed the reverb slider to 11.

I will still pick it up because I am an addict, but will wait until I can find it cheaper.
I got a white one. Just looked at how much they're going for and now I'm almost frightened to spin it!