I have owned 4 one-steps:
1. Kind of Blue 33rpm (Analog Productions)
2. Coltrane Lush Life (Craft)
3. Lateef Eastern Sounds (Craft)
4. Kind of Blue 45 rpm (MoFi)
Kind of Blue 33 rpm has distortion issues on Blue in Green. Think this may have been a common problem, and I should ask AP for a replacement disc, but it has been a couple years now since purchase. So probably too late for that.
Coltrane Lush Life, I cannot recall if it was noisy, but its been a bit since I spun it. I don't recall being blown away by it though.
Eastern Sounds, I was sent a replacement copy because it was noisy.
Kind of Blue Mofi 45 rpm - so this was a strange situation. The album was very noisy and I eventually returned it to Music Direct. I later found out that this was an unannounced test run for the super vinyl. I remember opening up the KOB and seeing the discs were translucent. Thought that was odd. Regardless it sounded like shit, so I requested a replacement from Music Direct. They sent me a new copy (standard black) and that sounds good. I later found out on Discogs and elsewhere that there was a small run of super vinyl KOBs (boxsets numbered between 12,000 and 13,500, or something like that). Guess they were/are selling for like $400+. I had a picture up on Discogs of the translucent records, but it was eventually removed by someone.
I listen to lots of Tone Poets that are dead silent. Other standard Grateful Dead MoFi's that sound amazing and have zero noise.
Regent_Street Oct 1, 2021
Will the small number that got pressed on Super Vinyl somewhere in the serial number 12000's range get its own discogs entry?
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dancbmac Nov 29, 2021
It was separate at one time, but some of the folks that manage the entires here on discogs insisted that they be merged. I gave input and uploaded photos of my copy, but those that have voting ability overruled and the two listings were merged into one with a couple of lines mentioning the test run. One person that does inputs and changes was very adamant about only one listing because he said he never seen any. He also blocked my photos and said I took them from some website, but they were my actual photos. I’m guessing that website, which I have never visited before used my photos. I was a newby going against some expert who had voting privileges and I couldn’t vote on any of my inputs. I didn’t like it, but I wasn’t going to beat my head against the wall, because this expert knew it all, but did not know about these SV pressings