Hello all,
New member; first post. I have primarily been lurking on the MoFi Turntable Owners thread, and am now branching out after an 3,600+ post review.
I purchased the MoFi 45-rpm Blonde on Blonde and it is a wonderful pressing (at least it was on my old Pro-Jet ‘table). However, there are times I don’t want to get up every 3 songs to flip / change the record. I gave my old copy to my son when I got the MoFi, so I am shopping for a 2-disc 33.3 rpm version. I don’t want to mess with a dicey original pressing, so are there any recommendations as to a good more recent version? I see a lot of mono pressings , but I don’t / won’t have a dedicated mono cart or preamp so do they ‘translate’ on a stereo system?