Definitive Audiophile pressings

I dunno, if the ZZ Top five-LP set sold out easily, I think a Sabbath six-LP set would too. Sabbath is very popular, more than ZZ Top. And Sabbath's first six with Ozzy are all arguably essential, similar to the Doors six with Jimmy, which also sold out.

Plus, seeing how many individual titles haven't sold out, I wonder if SBS or Sabotage would sell out 5k alone? I'm pretty certain a few of the ZZ Top titles wouldn't have sold out 5k separately.
ZZ was 2,500 copies i think? i'm not convinced 5K 6LP boxes would sell out that quickly. Especially given the fact that those AND the doors got broken out shortly after.
Hello all,

New member; first post. I have primarily been lurking on the MoFi Turntable Owners thread, and am now branching out after an 3,600+ post review.

I purchased the MoFi 45-rpm Blonde on Blonde and it is a wonderful pressing (at least it was on my old Pro-Jet ‘table). However, there are times I don’t want to get up every 3 songs to flip / change the record. I gave my old copy to my son when I got the MoFi, so I am shopping for a 2-disc 33.3 rpm version. I don’t want to mess with a dicey original pressing, so are there any recommendations as to a good more recent version? I see a lot of mono pressings , but I don’t / won’t have a dedicated mono cart or preamp so do they ‘translate’ on a stereo system?

Hello all,

New member; first post. I have primarily been lurking on the MoFi Turntable Owners thread, and am now branching out after an 3,600+ post review.

I purchased the MoFi 45-rpm Blonde on Blonde and it is a wonderful pressing (at least it was on my old Pro-Jet ‘table). However, there are times I don’t want to get up every 3 songs to flip / change the record. I gave my old copy to my son when I got the MoFi, so I am shopping for a 2-disc 33.3 rpm version. I don’t want to mess with a dicey original pressing, so are there any recommendations as to a good more recent version? I see a lot of mono pressings , but I don’t / won’t have a dedicated mono cart or preamp so do they ‘translate’ on a stereo system?

Mono plays fine ona stereo set-up, modern mono reissues aren’t cut with a mono dedicated lathe any how. There willl be some slight noise that honestly you may not even pick up on without a Mono switch. The VMP was decent…
Hello all,

New member; first post. I have primarily been lurking on the MoFi Turntable Owners thread, and am now branching out after an 3,600+ post review.

I purchased the MoFi 45-rpm Blonde on Blonde and it is a wonderful pressing (at least it was on my old Pro-Jet ‘table). However, there are times I don’t want to get up every 3 songs to flip / change the record. I gave my old copy to my son when I got the MoFi, so I am shopping for a 2-disc 33.3 rpm version. I don’t want to mess with a dicey original pressing, so are there any recommendations as to a good more recent version? I see a lot of mono pressings , but I don’t / won’t have a dedicated mono cart or preamp so do they ‘translate’ on a stereo system?


If you can get the mov pressing from around 2010 or the more recent VMP press of it which re uses those plates that’s a really fantastic version of the album.

It is a mono pressing but for my money this album sounds better mono and I have only ever run those pressings on a stereo cart set up and it’s sounded great with no additional noise.
Mono plays fine ona stereo set-up, modern mono reissues aren’t cut with a mono dedicated lathe any how. There willl be some slight noise that honestly you may not even pick up on without a Mono switch. The VMP was decent…

And even the couple of old 60s monos I have play ok on a stereo cart, they just pick up a lot of noise. None of the modern monos pressings do that really.

I have a mono switch to add to the new set up when the phono stage finally arrives, be intrigued to see what difference that makes!
Mono plays fine ona stereo set-up, modern mono reissues aren’t cut with a mono dedicated lathe any how. There willl be some slight noise that honestly you may not even pick up on without a Mono switch. The VMP was decent…

I was not aware of VMP, so that is a whole new area to explore. Their Blonde is no longer available, but perhaps Discogs . . .

Interesting about mono reissues. I guess I am looking for a copy to compliment the MoFi.

I was not aware of VMP, so that is a whole new area to explore. Their Blonde is no longer available, but perhaps Discogs . . .

Interesting about mono reissues. I guess I am looking for a copy to compliment the MoFi.

It looks like VMP is not long for the world, I would recommend Discogs for them at this point unless you can find a shop that ordered it.
I could not find any VMP copies for sale. I could find the MOV 2010, but none in the US. I have ordered tubes from Europe, so why not albums? Also saw the 2022 Japanese reissues. I have always been a sucker for those Japanese pressings with the obi. I need to find a seller with a couple other disks I want and get something on order.

Thank you to all!
I was not aware of VMP, so that is a whole new area to explore. Their Blonde is no longer available, but perhaps Discogs . . .

Interesting about mono reissues. I guess I am looking for a copy to compliment the MoFi.


These recent Japanese Dylan pressings ( I have Blonde, Highway, Bringing) are fantastic

I second @Poly-Rythmo if you want a no-nonsense, 33rpm Dylan. The Japanese reissues are amazing!

The MOV and VMP Monos are great but I do actually slightly prefer the stereo mix on Blonde on Blonde.