Drummers Drumming Drums

Hey @Psymon or any other gigging drummers...

Have you dealt with any repetitive motion issues or injuries? I have trigger finger now, and it's pretty painful when present. The good news is, the cortisone shots help almost immediately with the pain and flexibility. The bad news is, in three years I've had it happen with the different fingers over both hands. I have to admit, I'm glad my gigging band is still on hiatus, not sure I could keep up year round.

For reference I'm 54 and have been playing for 40 years, gigging for about 25, off and on.
Hey @Psymon or any other gigging drummers...

Have you dealt with any repetitive motion issues or injuries? I have trigger finger now, and it's pretty painful when present. The good news is, the cortisone shots help almost immediately with the pain and flexibility. The bad news is, in three years I've had it happen with the different fingers over both hands. I have to admit, I'm glad my gigging band is still on hiatus, not sure I could keep up year round.

For reference I'm 54 and have been playing for 40 years, gigging for about 25, off and on.
That is a bummer, my friend. What exactly is trigger finger?

I have been fortunate enough to avoid any sort of injury from playing (so far at least), but in the last 5&1/2 years I have also invested a lot of time and energy into proper technique, mechanics, body usage, and economy of motion. I would recommend a) getting a stretching regimen, and b) booking a lesson with Dave Elitch - they’re not cheap, but he is *the* proper body use guy and has helped many, many musicians.

DM me if you want to discuss this more - I am more than happy to chat about what has worked for me, what I need to continue to work on, and who I have found to be really helpful with all this stuff!
That is a bummer, my friend. What exactly is trigger finger?

I have been fortunate enough to avoid any sort of injury from playing (so far at least), but in the last 5&1/2 years I have also invested a lot of time and energy into proper technique, mechanics, body usage, and economy of motion. I would recommend a) getting a stretching regimen, and b) booking a lesson with Dave Elitch - they’re not cheap, but he is *the* proper body use guy and has helped many, many musicians.

DM me if you want to discuss this more - I am more than happy to chat about what has worked for me, what I need to continue to work on, and who I have found to be really helpful with all this stuff!
Basically the tendons are angry and don't glide smoothly. When afflicted, the finger won't straighten, then eventually gets swollen and painful. So I can actually grip a stick and golf club in the early stages, but then it gets way too bothersome. The shots help, but there really isn't a cure unless I opted for surgery on each one, which seems expensive and not something I want to do. My very first episode with it, my index finger locked on a drum stick and I had to pry it open between songs. Crazy.

Thanks for the tips on the lessons. Since I am currently not gigging I haven't been practicing much, which in turn is affecting the recorded tracks I work on. I really should get my head back in it.
Basically the tendons are angry and don't glide smoothly. When afflicted, the finger won't straighten, then eventually gets swollen and painful. So I can actually grip a stick and golf club in the early stages, but then it gets way too bothersome. The shots help, but there really isn't a cure unless I opted for surgery on each one, which seems expensive and not something I want to do. My very first episode with it, my index finger locked on a drum stick and I had to pry it open between songs. Crazy.

Thanks for the tips on the lessons. Since I am currently not gigging I haven't been practicing much, which in turn is affecting the recorded tracks I work on. I really should get my head back in it.
Do you happen to know any hand doctors or OT or PTs? I would seek out some advice about recovery, exercises etc!
Do you happen to know any hand doctors or OT or PTs? I would seek out some advice about recovery, exercises etc!
Yep, I like my hand doc, she's been great with administering the injections and letting me know what to do moving forward. I did have some worry about receiving too much cortisone but she said that's not an issue in a finger or three.
Ok drumming enthusiasts - If you were to buy one boutique snare, which company would you go to?
Not sure I am going to purchase one, but I can dream.

The four brands I am currently window-shopping are:
Sugar Percussion
A & F
Noble & Cooley

Any experience with any of these?
Ok drumming enthusiasts - If you were to buy one boutique snare, which company would you go to?
Not sure I am going to purchase one, but I can dream.

The four brands I am currently window-shopping are:
Sugar Percussion
A & F
Noble & Cooley

Any experience with any of these?
Yessir. I have 2 N&C solid shell snares; a 5x14” Maple and a 7x13” Tulip. Incredible. Like hitting a snare drum for the first time. If you want a wood snare, I wholeheartedly recommend N&C. Metal, I have very little knowledge but have done a little listening to Dunnett raw titanium and liked them. I just don’t need another snare drum.

You thinking wood or metal?
Yessir. I have 2 N&C solid shell snares; a 5x14” Maple and a 7x13” Tulip. Incredible. Like hitting a snare drum for the first time. If you want a wood snare, I wholeheartedly recommend N&C. Metal, I have very little knowledge but have done a little listening to Dunnett raw titanium and liked them. I just don’t need another snare drum.

You thinking wood or metal?
I'm thinking metal. I have a few wood snares I love, so I figured I'd go with something I normally wouldn't, for a new experience. I love
the A & F style, but that Dunnett magnesium seems so unique. Then, I watched a video today for the Sugar Percussion Poplar and it made me think about a wood one again.

Currently I have a Yamaha Maple Custom, a Whitney, a 61 Ludwig Pioneer (love this one) and a couple Slingerlands - brass and copper.
I don't gig anymore, or rarely. My focus is writing and recording, so I'd love to add something unique to my sound.
I'm thinking metal. I have a few wood snares I love, so I figured I'd go with something I normally wouldn't, for a new experience. I love
the A & F style, but that Dunnett magnesium seems so unique. Then, I watched a video today for the Sugar Percussion Poplar and it made me think about a wood one again.

Currently I have a Yamaha Maple Custom, a Whitney, a 61 Ludwig Pioneer (love this one) and a couple Slingerlands - brass and copper.
I don't gig anymore, or rarely. My focus is writing and recording, so I'd love to add something unique to my sound.
What’s the Lud Pioneer like??

Those A&Fs definitely look cool. In my limited investigation, I do prefer the Dunnett Magnesium and Titanium for sound, but I’ve never played either brand. SoundPure does really good video demos, and the N&C website has a lot of great info. I have no affiliation with them ha, but I love both my solid shell snares (and am happy to provide more details if you’d like!).
I’m about to head into my first quasi professional gig. I’ve been practicing with a Brazilian Batucada group and we are playing samba for a dance class. I’ll probably playing tamborim or Agogo. I gotta get my chops up to even think about playing the various snare like drums they play.
What’s the Lud Pioneer like??

Those A&Fs definitely look cool. In my limited investigation, I do prefer the Dunnett Magnesium and Titanium for sound, but I’ve never played either brand. SoundPure does really good video demos, and the N&C website has a lot of great info. I have no affiliation with them ha, but I love both my solid shell snares (and am happy to provide more details if you’d like!).
I love the Pioneer, even more than I thought I would. It's my go-to for recording most times because it's just so buttery.
I think I decided...as of today anyway...I want a Dunnett.
This demo is great, and I found the titanium and triple brass to be my two favorites based on this.

Once you get and play it, please report back!!
I will! I'm not sure when I'm going to make the purchase, but I'm getting itchy...I sure could use a discount to knock that price down.
Sugar Percussion has been selling their 14 x 4.5 aluminum for 800 bucks on Fridays to the first few people that claim them, so that might push me that direction if I get lucky.

I just ordered a 14 x 5.5 aluminum snare from Sugar Percussion. They'll be making it in the next couple weeks, pretty excited!
I really liked what I read and saw about the Dunnett titanium but couldn't justify the cost. I'm happy I was still able to get a boutique snare though, I'll send pics when it arrives!
Just spent two hours in a class taught by the drummer who did all the drumming for the Black Panther soundtracks. He did some stuff that tested our endurance. Man my hands

I just ordered a 14 x 5.5 aluminum snare from Sugar Percussion. They'll be making it in the next couple weeks, pretty excited!
I really liked what I read and saw about the Dunnett titanium but couldn't justify the cost. I'm happy I was still able to get a boutique snare though, I'll send pics when it arrives!
I’ve heard nothing but good stuff about Sugar. Looking forward to seeing the snare!
Amazing - I would love to visit Motherland Music. What were you playing at this class?
Yea I was playing that Djembe. There was about 6 people playing sets of ballet dun duns . There were about 20 people in the class all together. Various levels, but I was suprized how tight things were. At times it was thunderous. If you come to La I’ll take you. It’s an amazing place.