

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Melbourne, ex-Glasgow
Don't suppose anyone has thoughts on good earplugs to use at gigs?

I'm looking for something good, but not too expensive. I've had moulded ones in the past, but I always struggled with fitting them, and I don't think they would fit me any more. I'm looking at the Flare Audio ones below, but don't know if there are any other alternatives?

Don't suppose anyone has thoughts on good earplugs to use at gigs?

I haven't tried Wirecutter's pick, but their method and criteria seem sound. I'm going to a Dinosaur Jr. show next month, so I should probably get a pair.

I haven't tried Wirecutter's pick, but their method and criteria seem sound. I'm going to a Dinosaur Jr. show next month, so I should probably get a pair.

I bought the Loops based on this review - was previously using Etymotic plugs. The Loops are much more comfortable, without a doubt. Definitely worth a try for only $30.
I use the Eargasm HD earplugs and I love them!

I know both @Goatfish and @NoToneStraw also use them and can speak highly of them as well. Plus, not too expensive!
I use the Eargasm HD earplugs and I love them!

I know both @Goatfish and @NoToneStraw also use them and can speak highly of them as well. Plus, not too expensive!
Yeah, I very nearly went with these over the Etymotics last year. Happy with my Loops for now, but maybe I'll try these down the road.
I have a pair of Vibes, better than basic earplugs, and cheap enough to not care if (aka when) I lose them. If the set is quiet enough to not damage hearing I won’t wear them, as I find no earplug really sounds as good as the real thing. But getting out of a louder concert and not having your ears ring is a great feeling.
I use the Eargasm HD earplugs and I love them!

I know both @Goatfish and @NoToneStraw also use them and can speak highly of them as well. Plus, not too expensive!

Yes! Definitely solid. No complaints and holding up well.
I use the Eargasm HD earplugs and I love them!

I know both @Goatfish and @NoToneStraw also use them and can speak highly of them as well. Plus, not too expensive!

I've had my current plugs for a few years now, so maybe I'll ask for these for Christmas and see if anyone bites.
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I've tried a couple different types of fancy ones but nothing works as good as a pair of classic foamy boys for hearing protection
for full hearing protection, that is def true- but if you are attending or working an event where it's either important to hear things below a certain decibel, or you still want to hear the music, the HD mid-priced ones are the best bet. I wear mine while working concerts, and can hear my radio, my coworkers, and the band, without getting blown out.

the eargasm ones also come in smaller sizes if anyone out there is like me with a smaller canal and/or tragus piercings.

def use the classic foams while sleeping/traveling or in other loud areas, like a shooting range.
I ordered some Earpeace plugs a few months back. So far I'm enjoying them. Great customer service too.
So other than protecting hearing... does it allow one to hear the concert better?
not technically, but could depending on the concert and the sound setup. like, if you're at a loud show and too close to the speakers, I'd say it'd help in the sense that you were not getting blown out.

the best earplugs don't interfere with the music, but I don't think any truly enhance in a straightforward sense.
not technically, but could depending on the concert and the sound setup. like, if you're at a loud show and too close to the speakers, I'd say it'd help in the sense that you were not getting blown out.

the best earplugs don't interfere with the music, but I don't think any truly enhance in a straightforward sense.
Awesome! This is literally the answer i was looking for lol