Hey kvetcha, good to see you and thank you!
No nudging necessary as they should soon be en route but I appreciate the other brand to note for general awareness. Thankfully speaker wire is perhaps the only part of the setup that makes some sense to me lol, being that when I was a kid I was small enough for my dad to send me behind all of his music stuff to connect them to his Technics. Thank you for the heads up, I'll order some.
This is really useful thank you, not least for providing the links alongside some musical accompaniment! Seems it would be wise to connect everything up and make it as I want it and then order the necessary length cables from Blue Jeans to suit, plus the additional for the future phono stage. Definitely priced to a point where it would be possible to do from the get-go and just noticed the meters option isn't integer based so no major excess necessary.
Nice to see the firm recommendation for the lx2-lps and thanks for the reiteration of others, will look into all of them as would be good to get a beat on what I'm aiming for. Also thanks for the mention of the mx-vynl. Definitely something much further down the road but helps paint a picture of the landscape.
Can't even think of anything else to ask about, so thank you - and
@kvetcha ,
@Bsdmr2 - for the time and help. Really is appreciated and can come out of this my excitement reignited for when everything eventually arrives and can assemble. Until then, glad to have found this place - thanks again to
@Aelias for the connect and you all for such a warm welcome.
Look forward to poking into the other areas of the forum!
Appreciate the additional info, it's all really interesting - especially the second point. Slowly filling the rudimentary knowledge gaps. Now that I've got my head around the setup and have beyond exhausted the initial records budget I can enjoy the pause between now and getting to put everything together by reading up on
literally everything and disassembling the limiters on my hype propellers.