I sent my Musical Fidelity M2si back to Analogue Seduction a couple weeks ago for a replacement (at their request) and then last Friday i got this email:
"I have now completed the inspection and test of your returned Musical Fidelity amplifier and everything is performing to the Manufacturers specification. There is no hum, noise clicks or pops from either channel from input through to speaker output. Subs quite often make a pop or oomph sound when amplifiers are turned on and off which will be more noticeable if volume levels are set high when switching on and off.
The amplifier has been on soak test playing music on all inputs to my satisfaction as the senior test and repair Engineer.
The cause of the problems you have experienced are being caused by signals being received by the amplifier, the amplifier is not at fault here.
We will return the item back to you."
Not what i expected but i guess the fault was elsewhere. I got it back a couple days ago and hooked everything up yesterday, hit the power button, and the crackle is still there in the left speaker. I played a record yesterday and my turntable did the same thing it's been doing on and off for a few months where it makes the record static as it's playing (maybe an issue with the ground cable?). I could hear a slight increase in the crackle and hum from the left speaker due to the static so i worried that the turntable was the issue. But today i took the amp out, unplugged the RCA cables for the sub and CD player and the Blue Jeans audio cables so all that was left was the power cable and speaker cables, which are brand new so i know they're not the issue. Turned it back on and still crackle. Thought maybe the UK to DK adapter wasn't earthed so i connected that to an adapter which definitely was but still crackle.
So unless i'm missing something, it has to be the Musical Fidelity, right. I think i've eliminated all other options except maybe the power strip.