Speaking of overpriced.............
I picked up a fancy reamer for correcting spindle holes, and yes, for what it's function is, it is overpriced. And yes, there are other least expensive solutions, such as a drill bit or graduated hole reamer you can pick up for a few dollars at your local hardware store. But, I don't want to worry about making the hole too big, or possibly elongating it so the lp spins off center. For those with nerves of steel and supreme confidence I would recommend the "budget" options.
The spindle reamer from Stable 33.33 looks nice and is overpriced, but I like that it sits on a shelf right above my TT and when I drop an album on the spindle and it's tight and or a little tooooo snug, I can grab it, and in literally 15 seconds correct the problem without any real thought process or fear of screwing it up. Actually you can't, you can't screw it up using this thing, plain and simple..........and THAT is worth the extra coin to
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