I find out about the holiday bonus situation tomorrow evening so I will officially be looking to replace my orbit w/grado black.
My Current setup is as follows
Orbit Acryllic
Grado black/black
Vincent Pho 8
Elac Debut 2.0 f5.2
I do not want to have to move a belt to change speed.
Something that is capable of playing at 78rpm would be nice but is by no means a deal breaker.
Cost of cartridge to be included in the total budget given, recommendations on cartridge choice would be much appreciated.
Budget not to exceed $1000USD.
If possible please give 2 options one at or around the lowest price to have the options listed above that would not be considered a lateral move considering my current setup. As well as an option at or around max budget.
Thank you in advance for any guidance you may provide.
Thanks for all the input everyone I’m trying to decide how important playing 78 records is, at this point I don’t see buying any but I’ve had quite a few given to me that I would enjoy listening to but ultimately it may be silly to spend money to play these because that money could go towards a cartridge and or stylus that would make everything else sound better.
If you are to play shellac 78’s aren’t you supposed to have a different stylus for them ?FWIW the only time I'm using the 78rpm feature on the Clearaudio is to play the hidden track on this
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If the ones you have are shellac records, I'd be careful using the same setup, as it's likely to damage your stylus.
If you are to play shellac 78’s aren’t you supposed to have a different stylus for them ?
If you are to play shellac 78’s aren’t you supposed to have a different stylus for them ?
I like the idea of being able to swap cartridges like would be possible with the removable headshell.most definitely. If you were running something like the pioneer/Technics you could even have multiple carts on the go for each type of record because removable headshells makes swapping between them so easy!
Also is there any reason that I would not be able to swap my grado black over to the new table so I can defer the cost and also have a better way to quantify how the new table sounds, if I were to get a new table and cart it wouldn’t be as easy to separate the benefits of either.
I like the idea of being able to swap cartridges like would be possible with the removable headshell.
I'll start by saying I haven't used and or handled the Technics in any way. BUT, I can tell you the PLX is built like a tank. That being said, if it's between these 2 at this point, I would definitely start weighing if the extra cash is worth it, if we were talking a couple hundred, ya, go with either. That being said, I think you would be happy with either of these.Yes and because of my mishap the other night I now have the rest of the stuff necessary to install and align the cartridge properly. At this point I just need to decide how much I want to spend. Right now I’ve theoretically nailed it down too either the pioneer plx 1000 or the technics sl1200 mk7. I’ve read as much as I could find so far about peoples experience who’ve used both and obviously the Technics is generally considered better and it should relative to it being nearly double the price but the main point of contention was that it was obvious with the feel and look of materials and the Technics felt more “solid” and more satisfying to use.
Since I will be inevitably searching for new carts to tinker with, are there any cartridges and or styli that are more “forgiving” when it comes to surface noise?