Chet Hanks' Filmography Buff
The more I see, the more I think I should get the new Fire Emblem.
It looks so good.
The more I see, the more I think I should get the new Fire Emblem.
If it's not fun, then why93.4% complete in RDR2. Still have some prologue, the gambling challenges 4-10 (ugh) and some cleanup stuff, including getting those perfect tiny bird carcasses. I'm hoping to finish this by the end of the week so I can move on.
I realized that last sentence in my comment seems a bit harsh. I've had a lot of fun doing everything else in the game, it's just luck based things like gambling "challenges" always rub me the wrong way. I don't feel like I accomplished anything with those, it's just keep doing the thing until it says you won. I've 100%ed all the other Rockstar games I played, and the completionist in me won't let me play another open world game until I get that last 6.6%.If it's not fun, then why
I think when I was doing that stupid 3 hit blackjack challenge I got the first one in like 15 minutes and then played for another hour and a half and got nothing. I finished everything else in the game and then tried again and got nothing in the first 30-45 minutes and then got the other 2 within 5 minutes of each other. I heard some people took like 6 hours, which sucks. I feel like that is the only thing in the game that just absolutely not fun or engaging to get to 100% off the top of my head. Literally dumb luck and something no one who knows how to play blackjack would ever try to do. At least dominoes requires you to think. Even camping and headshotting cops forever in Saint Denis online to get to level 50 for the platinum was still pretty fun because it wasn't too easy.I realized that last sentence in my comment seems a bit harsh. I've had a lot of fun doing everything else in the game, it's just luck based things like gambling "challenges" always rub me the wrong way. I don't feel like I accomplished anything with those, it's just keep doing the thing until it says you won. I've 100%ed all the other Rockstar games I played, and the completionist in me won't let me play another open world game until I get that last 6.6%.
I don't care about an extra hour or two of battery! I WANT A LEGEND OF ZELDA EDITION NEW SWITCH PRO XL! I'll pay money for it and everything! Come on, Nintendo!Wasn't one of you all waiting for this to get a switch?
Nintendo announces updated Switch with better battery life
A new CPU and storage are likely insidewww.google.com
#8 is the only one that destroys your soul.Well, hard parts over on my journey to 100% in RDR2. Finished Gambler #8, which luckily took around an hour and a half to get. For those who aren't familiar, you have to win 3 hands of blackjack with 5 or more cards (3+hits). Not only is it an rng nightmare to just get a hand under 21 with that many cards, but you also have to WIN. Ties don't count either. I had probably around 10 hands where I lost or tied before I got my 3rd win. Fortunately, it's 1-2 buttons to play, so I just messed around on my phone while listening for the dealer's cues. I still have to do 9 and 10, but from what I read you can cheese those.
Seriously, the two before it are just "go win a single hand of blackjack at 2 places" and "can you press 2 buttons back and forth at a medium pace? do that 3 times"#8 is the only one that destroys your soul.
Both great games that I have 100% trophies in. Limbo I did on the Vita...the only dieing 5 times is rough. I plan on starting Spider man sometime soon as well. Good job on RDR2...I'm only on chapter 3Reducing my backlog, shotgun style! I started Limbo on Sunday just to mix things up after the RDR2 hole, and got about halfway through it. Fantastic game so far and I think I like it even more than Limbo, which is a favorite. Also started Bloodborne finally. First night didn't go so hot, I think part of the issue was learning the mechanics, and the other was I was tired. I made it to the second lantern, and the first shortcut loop back to it via the sewers. I tried the werewolf path for a long while, but was struggling to beat them, so I finally gave up and went down. Second night went much better, I beat the first boss at the end of the bridge first try - the tried and true big boss strategy of Dark Souls, that is, get up in their ASS, still works in this game. I also beat Father Gascione second try. Got really lucky here, he was on his final hit, and I dodged accidentally up against the wall. The camera clipped into the wall and I couldn't see what was happening. My health dropped, and I thought I died, but didn't hear the scream or death sound. I guess he whiffed. I pushed the attack button, and finished the fight completely blind with no health.
That ordeal was raised my blood pressure enough, so I decided to cool down by starting Spider-Man. Movement mechanics are amazing, and I already love Jonah's radio rants. It's certainly got that Insomniac feel, but in a good way.
It’s my favorite strictly FPS since Bulletstorm. They missed a marketing opportunity by not making it $6.66 though.Anybody played the "new" DOOM? Worth it for $6.59 on humble, right?