Well-Known Member
Sorry about the layoff — I hope things land just right for you.Went on a three month movie bender after downloading Letterbox and am just now returning to gaming.
Wrapping Horizon Forbidden West which, while not as good as the first game, will still have caught 90+ hours of my time when I finish. The tweaks in the combat system drove me nuts at first and took some serious adjusting, and the story is merely B- level instead of the A level storytelling of the first game. Especially in regards to the side quests. On the other hand, few open world games have side content that is so rewarding. The cauldrons, relics and tall necks in particular bring to mind the dungeons that Zelda refuses to return to. And once I did adjust to the combat system, bringing down machines is just so much damn fun.
Question for you all--
I bought Death Stranding on a whim because I'm recently laid off and wanted an engrossing time suck. But I've left it fully wrapped because Kojima's games have never fully vibed with me. I like meta, but his shit is just always so up its own ass. I'll never forgive the 3 hour cut scene at the end of MG4. That said, I love wierdo gameplay mechanics and / or zenning out to games like Stardew Valley, Tony Hawk, ext. So there's a chance I really dig it. And the themes of the game sound up my alley.
The other option is returning it and grabbing Elden Ring. Problem is, that game is also a 50/50 coin flip. I'm a B+ gamer who plays about 1/3 of the games I touch on hard. But my big weakness is boss pattern recognition. And I hate having my time wasted. I slayed the smaller moments in Bloodborne before even leveling up. But within a couple bosses, I was getting stuck and furious that the game forced me to spend 45 minutes re-collecting vials and backtracking before I could even try again. Like fuck that as a game design choice. I know that Elden Ring provides the ability to bounce in a different direction if you get stuck on a boss, but there is still a solid chance that the lack of transparency on how to handle its difficult and a lack of respect for my time (via lost progress) piss me off real quick.
Thoughts on which direction I should go?
Congrats on finishing HFW! I love that franchise so dang much. And it's so well made/art directed.
I only made it a few hours into Death Stranding, but if cut scenes are an irk for you... expect plenty. The pretension is utterly conspicuous in that game. I do intend to revisit and attempt it again, but when we started it shortly after release, we had our laugh and moved on.
I'd also lean on the side of Elden Ring, though that's more my partner's style of game than my own.
Not to dump another reco on you when you've got plenty of prepaid options on your plate, but Cyberpunk 2077 was immensely engrossing. I've got to return and play the rework and DLC though, but I bet it's only gotten better!