I have it, it's great.Y’all seen this yet ? Vinyl options to for this and other games
As do I. Wish the Mario one was done in this style butI have it, it's great.
I just ordered this so fast I think my keyboard caught fireY’all seen this yet ? Vinyl options to for this and other games
Loved it. There's a sequel that is supposed to be coming out this year. Also played Hollow Knight recently which is another amazing Metroidvania.
Nice. While we're on the subject of modern sidescrollers, I think today is the last day to get Shovel Knight for $12.50 for those, like me, who don't have it yet. It is supposed to go up to $40 later this year after some more DLC comes out, but if you already own it, you get that for free. (I think this is right). I picked it up.I can't wait for the sequel, shame they are not giving any release date for it yet. Hollow Knight also an awesome game. I'm mainly stuck in these types of games due to my childhood gaming (Pokemon Red on gameboy, Jack & Dexter, Ratchet & Clank, Crash Bandicoot).... Those were the times.
Might have to revisit nuts and bolts. I enjoyed it when it came out but not as a banjo-kazooie game. It seemed way to open and the character movement seemed really clunky.
I actually just got Yooka-Laylee at the weekend along with the banjo-kazoos record so haven’t played it yet. Looks to be a fun game though Andre it can be picked up really cheap (this was sealed for £7)
Any word on the Red Dead 2 soundtrack coming out soon?
Been hesitant on getting the God of War soundtrack.
Very cool piece to have but not sure if i will listen to it. Thats how i feel om most video game soundtracks.
Sounds like we're in the same boat. I have a cool idea for a dungeon crawler, but lack most of the knowledge to put a game together.i kinda really wanna make that point and click adventure game i had the idea for but.. i know nothing about game development, cant draw, or make music really.. so it will be difficult
The more I hear about MARIO maker , the more excited I get. Seems there is a lot of staying power.
Online co op in two modes where you can work together or race against each other seems promising.
Bought Yoku's Island Adventure cus I had some credits and it was on sale. Stoked for a chill, summery game.
I just started it on Sunday, and I am addicted. "Metroidvania by way of pinball" sounds bonkers on paper, but it works soooo well.Bought Yoku's Island Adventure cus I had some credits and it was on sale. Stoked for a chill, summery game.
This has been on my list to get. Hope you enjoy it.Bought Yoku's Island Adventure cus I had some credits and it was on sale. Stoked for a chill, summery game.
I did the demo and wasn’t wild about how super particular some of the “shots” were. Is this me being awful or is it the game being that picky? Or maybe a combination of the two ?I just started it on Sunday, and I am addicted. "Metroidvania by way of pinball" sounds bonkers on paper, but it works soooo well.