hmmmm, just noticed the expansion pass for mario and rabbids kingdom battle is on sale at $10.
im guessing now is as good a time to buy it, right?
I just bought the base + expansion bundle for $20 a couple days ago and I'm having a blast.
Welp; just finished Disco Elysium. Whoof.
Now the Witcher 3?
Finishing off Uncharted 2 just now. Got Journey when it was on Plus years ago, but never played it.Free Uncharted and Journey on PS4 even without PS Plus coming tomorrow!
Simpson’s Hit and Run!! Holy shit, I haven’t heard that game since at least 15 years ago. I poured hours into that and Simpsons Road Rage on GC. Like a GTA in the simpsons world. I had to play that because my parents wouldn’t let me play GTA until I was old enough with the R rating.I stopped collecting vinyl roughly a year and a half ago when a chunk of my 300+ album collection was warped by a heat wave. I need out of this apartment before I resume.
That said, this pandemic has gotten me hooked on buying retro video games again. I might need rehab.
In the past week I have:
Sold my N64 + games and Dreamcast + games for a pretty penny.
Purchased a Gamecube + the pricey add on that modernizes it for current TVs
Had my Super Nintendo repaired
Purchased composite cables for my Wii
Snagged a new PS3 controller
Purchased via Ebay or Amazon:
Kirty's Return to Dreamland, Punch Out and House of the Dead for the Wii
Simpsons Hit and Run, NHL Hitz 2003 and Warioware Inc. for the Gamecube
Oh and... a cautionary tale in appeasing your parents:
Last winter my mom forced me to clean out my childhood closet. Among the things I gave to Goodwill without thinking about it were the handful of GameCube games I hand't brought to LA with me- including a copy of the OG Animal Crossing.
Since I’m enjoying the new version of Animal Crossing so much and now have a Gamecube up and running, I decided to see how much re-obtaining the old one would cost... and promptly realized that copy of Animal Crossing I gave away was worth almost $100.
Journey is short and sweet. Super good though! I think I saved the Uncharted collection when it was on PS Plus last month or so already.Finishing off Uncharted 2 just now. Got Journey when it was on Plus years ago, but never played it.
This actually made me go through my PS Plus games list. I'm going to try as many games as I can, starting Z to A. Currently playing Teslagrad, which is one of those quick wee Unity games that were always on the list a wee while ago.Journey is short and sweet. Super good though! I think I saved the Uncharted collection when it was on PS Plus last month or so already.
Tell me about this fiasco...No idea if any of you Switch users have been following the latest Cooking Mama fiasco but if you want a copy of the game before it disappears from existence completely, here you go.
Yes, but an angsty one. Existential dread simulator that a positive whoof?
Yes, but an angsty one. Existential dread simulator indeed.