Real close to finishing Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. I've got 100% of the bees, coins, and 61/62 of the tonics (last one's impossible and not needed for achievements). I'm working my way through the Impossible Lair now, didn't expect it to be as challenging as it is. For those not in the know, you can challenge it from the beginning, but will likely lose, though beating it there gives that final tonic. After that, you play all the normal levels to collect bees, that basically count as a hit you can take in the Lair. There are 48 in the game to collect, and even with that many hits, I still haven't gotten all the way through. In the lair itself, there are several checkpoints, and each one you hit saves your best "bee score." Essentially, you can start from that checkpoint with the amount of remaining bees you had at the checkpoint from previous runs. This also means you can go back and replay parts to improve those scores and better your chances later on. It's honestly a really cool mechanic, but sometimes a tough choice as to where you want to start your run each time.
I think I'll do a more in depth review of the whole game once I finish it.